Sentences with phrase «stored spatial memory»

When the hippocampus recalls a past location, it retrieves the stored spatial memory from a subregion of the hippocampus called CA3.
The posterior hippocampus stores spatial memory.
The neurons in the hippocampus that store spatial memories (such as the location where you parked your car) are called place cells.
Bees don't have the brain structure, called the hippocampus, thought to store the spatial memories underlying mental maps in humans.

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According to Baddeley and Hitch's model, we store and alter memories through a phonological loop, which processes sound information, and through a visuospatial scratchpad, which maintains and manipulates spatial and visual information.
This brain region plays a critical role in learning new information, forming spatial memories and storing short - term memories as long - term ones.
And because these robins store food for the winter, the scientists also measured their spatial memories.
«We already knew that newly acquired information is stored into different types of memories, spatial or emotional, before being consolidated or integrated,» says Sylvain Williams, a researcher and professor of psychiatry at McGill.
By asking participants to recall the items they delivered instead of the stores they visited, the researchers could test whether their spatial memory systems were being activated even when episodic memories were being accessed.
This allowed the researchers to correlate the neural activation associated with the formation of spatial memories (the locations of the stores) and the recall of episodic memories: (the list of items that had been delivered).
As participants passed by a particular store, the researchers correlated their spatial memory of that location with the pattern of place cell activation recorded.
To avoid confounding the episodic memories of the items delivered with the spatial memory of a store's location, the researchers excluded trips that were directly to or from that store when placing it on the neural map.
Research suggests that some of the brain regions responsible for forming and storing memory of past events, such as the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex, are the same ones responsible for spatial navigation, implying a deep connection between the two processes.
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