Sentences with phrase «stories about kids»

I have heard horror stories about kids adjusting to their new surrounding.
Totally love this post and it inspires me as my # 2 boy is due in 2 months and he will be sharing a room with my 2 year old boy... (lots of 2's going on huh:) Anyhow, I have a pretty good LITTLE room for them and it is turning our pretty cute — these pictures are very helpful for additional ideas... your stories about your kids just about had me tearing up too — just thinking back about those gigglin» nights with my sisters... precious!
St. Louis, MO About Blog I am a working mom of two that loves to share stories about her kids and my battle of the bulge.
McCurry adds, «In today's world, where you see crazy stories about kids killing each other and using social media to bully and destroy other kids, the kids that volunteer with us defy the odds.
I love hearing these kinds of stories about kids these days!!
Families who like to share stories about their kids and the family pet.
My blog is not strictly book reviews, but is also a «stories about my kids» blog, so most of my readers are women ages 30 - 50.
These are the stories about kids in foreign countries who are suffering some kind of tragedy, and are ostensibly being told to help «humanize» them to a privileged audience.
Wet Hot American Summer basically rendered any future camp movies unnecessary, meaning filmmakers who are determined to tell stories about kids living in shacks near a lake for the summer have to get a little creative.
I'd heard funny stories about her kids.
Parents hear horror stories about kids involved with the juvenile justice system and are often afraid to contact them.
Day after day, patty after patty, she ate and she blogged, and began to find her voice: Her initial just - the - facts descriptions of gross meals evolved into funny stories about the kids at school and personal musings about food.
Almost daily, I get Google alerts to local news stories about kids spurning the produce on their trays, either tossing the fruits and vegetables in the trash or giving the food to friends.
Nathan shares stories about his kids and how his parenting style differs a bit from Scott.
He did so in the wake of several national news stories about kids being publicly shamed for having delinquent meal accounts, either by having their meal thrown out or by being offered a stigmatizing alternate meal like a cold cheese sandwich.
I have heard so many stories about kids throwing temper tantrums in the bathroom, sprawled out on the floor kicking and screaming, refusing to potty and verbally telling a parent that.
Christianson adds that he's heard horror stories about kids hitting their parents up for money or asking them to guarantee their mortgages later in life.
My friend Donna, source of many a TLT post, sent me this news story about kids, candy canes — and school detention?
I was working on a realtor's who told me the story about the kid and said she knew someone who was always looking for new ideas, and that they shared the same office building.
I remembered the story about that kid donating his hair and I thought it was a good time to get my hair cut and a good way to create a new me.
A good idea in need of a better script, Chase's 1960s» set story about a kid trying to follow in the footsteps of The Beatles and The Rolling Stones to make it big as a rock n» roll star doesn't feature a single likable character.
But it's also a story about kids, told more or less exclusively from the kids» perspective.
First, the students read a story about a kid who goes to a symphony.
A great team of writers sets up the new Fire - Us trilogy with this riveting survival story about kids making a home together in a ruined world.
I thought that this was a good book... As to an earlier comment I think that this was one of his times... It is a touching story about a kid that has ADD... I real Pickeruper and do nt stop...
My first mission statement, although I never expressed it as such, was to «write a story about kids my daughter's age for her to read.»
A fun puzzle, a quirky story about a kid aiming to outdo everyone else with their present giving, and some fun, tight use of the Bugle gadget.
There's no cut - scenes or scrolling text of exposition to lay it all out, all you need to know is «Here's a story about a kid who's world got all twisted, leavin» him stranded on a rock in the sky».

Not exact matches

As a kid, I remember hearing a story about a village that wanted to honor their king with a barrel of wine.
Once employees are hired at RFRK, they go through a comprehensive onboarding process in which they meet with the owners as a group for up to an hour to learn more about the company's inception — a story that involves two fed - up parents on a mission to give kids healthier food options.
My colleagues and I share a lot of things — business intel, stories about our pets and kids, leftover Easter candy — but this query felt infinitely more personal.
When the Apple founder called Bilton to complain about a story shortly after the iPad's launch, Bilton asked how his kids were enjoying the wildly popular new product.
The company is running a promotion closer to November in which it will encourage users to take their kids along when they hit the polls on Election Day, and post «stories» (Winnie's version of Yelp reviews) about their experiences.
Steven tells me stories about shopping in kids» sections, having to pay the tailor tax to get clothes altered and other things that could be considered trivial but add up.
Does any kid who loves animals and dreams of working with them ever think — oh, I'll work with the NYPD and hear horror stories about animal cruelty?
You'll tell the kids these stories for sure someday, even if you're not sure about how the stories will end.
For example, here's a story about a business that used the weather as a reason to create a relevant marketing message: I happened to learn that my kids» schools were opening late because of a snowstorm a few weeks ago from the Twitter account of a car wash in town.
He and his wife Dani are passionate about writing great melodies and telling great stories, and have performed their music all over the United States, usually packing out a minivan with their three kids in tow.
But I also want to say, if you had been here (I'm in Birmingham) and read some of the stories of people's kids being killed by this storm (so many had lost power already by earlier storms and had no idea F4 and F5 tornodoes were about to hit, and their kids were at friends» houses... and then those friends» houses were totally destroyed, and several parents lost all of their kids - I also know of several people who lost their wives AND all of their kids because they were at work while their family was at home)... anyways, if you could read some of these stories, who are you guys to tell them that their loved ones are not going off to a better place?
@Maani: «I do take issue with your comment that «Religion gets people to be good in the same way stories about Santa Claus gets kids to be good, with baseless promises of rewards and punishments.»
the catholic church is just a breeding ground for phedefiles, there is about always news stories about catholic priests molesting kids, i'm not saying it's just catholic priests, but those stories always seem to come up alot
I do take issue with your comment that «Religion gets people to be good in the same way stories about Santa Claus gets kids to be good, with baseless promises of rewards and punishments.»
Religion gets people to be good in the same way stories about Santa Claus gets kids to be good, with baseless promises of rewards and punishments.
I was a kid about the age of my own tinies when that happened; they reoriented their entire lives and our family story on Jesus Christ.
Our friends at Zondervan have created the most fun and thought filled Bible when it comes to teaching our kids about Jesus and the lessons in the stories.
Without a thought, I told them the story: the one about how Papa used to have a motorcycle when he was a teenager because well, he was that kind of kid.
When I'm writing the stories about a few of these homeless and runaway teens, I'm thinking in terms of kids out on the streets without their families, kids that mostly fall into the thirteen to eighteen or twenty age group.
One of the points of writing these stories is to tell something about what happens to these kids on the streets.
Gary, The story about the wife and mom defending herself and her kids in Georgia does indeed speak to the value of having a plan of self defense in the home, and also reminds us that a gun used in such a situation can be an essential tool for self - defense.
It would be cool to hear your story about how my kids survived church.
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