Sentences with phrase «stories at bedtime»

You've identified some of what will stay the same, for example, «There will still be stories at bedtime,» and what will change such as «You'll have a home with Mom and a home with Dad».
Once a title is selected, the built - in audio player will give users control over the speed of narration, with an automatic switch - off timer option for those who listen to stories at bedtime.
The «A Bad Moms Christmas» star also poses questions when she's reading them stories at bedtime about the princess falling in love with the prince after one kiss.
I remember asking for water and more tv and more stories at bedtime and now my son does the same thing.
But some moms get creative with their bribes, offering extra stories at bedtime, more playtime, a park trip, or games on the phone or tablet as a reward for good eating.
We don't do stories at bedtime anymore!
This might involve a trip to the library or grocery store, or simply reading a few extra stories at bedtime.
Instead, you could get one extra story at bedtime.
A trip to the park, an extra story at bedtime, special recognition for an accident - free day all work to motivate the child to do well again.
Read this story at bedtime or naptime.
In my home, we don't usually have a story at bedtime.
If your work distracts you on a particularly busy week, forgive yourself and squeeze in maybe an extra story at bedtime with your kiddos or make it up to them next week (remember it's quality time that matters — not quantity).

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The guys wearing suits at all the «banks» love a good bedtime story.
Holiness for me was found in the mess and labour of giving birth, in birthday parties and community pools, in the battling sweetness of breastfeeding, in the repetition of cleaning, in the step of faith it took to go back to church again, in the hours of chatting that have to precede the real heart - to - heart talks, in the yelling at my kids sometimes, in the crying in restaurants with broken hearted friends, in the uncomfortable silences at our bible study when we're all weighing whether or not to say what we really think, in the arguments inherent to staying in love with each other, in the unwelcome number on the scale, in the sounding out of vowels during bedtime book reading, in the dust and stink and heat of a tent city in Port au Prince, in the beauty of a soccer game in the Haitian dust, in the listening to someone else's story, in the telling of my own brokenness, in the repentance, in the secret telling and the secret keeping, in the suffering and the mourning, in the late nights tending sick babies, in confronting fears, in the all of a life.
Ben Whitnall from the the Bible Society's told Premier's Marcus Jones on the News Hour why they've launched a free app to help parents share a Bible story with their children at bedtime.
Long story short, I get very cold / lonely / scared at night, and my new bedtime routine is to cocoon myself in the bed and fantasize about being koala hugged by Logan in front of a fire while eating a piping hot bowl of Stuffed Poblano Quinoa Bake.
Alison at GreenMe jokingly said that mommy BlogHers should update their kids via Twitter and perhaps do some Skyped bedtime stories during their absence, but is that really that far off the mark?
May 12: Join this Stuffed Animal Sleepover for a night of bedtime stories, crafts, and lullabies at the library (Boston)
Telling that he is a big boy now and that he'll get a new bed, blanket or whatever and that big boys sleep at night, so now he will too, and help him dicover how nice it is to be in bed, reading a bedtime story or listening to a lullaby can slowly get you away from the power struggles.
Hold her close and tell a story and snuggle up at bedtime.
My Dragon Is Scared: 12 Rhyming Stories to Help With Toddler Fears — Perfect for Early Readers or to Read With Your Child at Bedtime
Stick to your routine — If bedtime at home is always preceded by a bath and a story, maintain this ritual when on the road.
at bedtime each night and then when I responded to his cries in the night, I held him in our usual rocking chair and «read» the story to him (it was dark and I had the book memorized so I just said it to him).
Reading to them was something I always did at bedtime, and we often had story - time during the day.
We used to have a few of these spread through the day including an early morning read, a story before nap time, a story while supper was cooking and one or two (or three) at bedtime.
If children know that every evening they will share a bedtime story or every morning a Bible story, they become secure in knowing what is expected at different times of the day.
They like waking up at the same time every day, they like naps at the same time every day, and they readily accept the routines we set for them like bath - story - drink - bedtime.
There's also bound to be a few evenings where you just can't make it home to tuck them in at night, so clue your sitter on nightly rituals like bath time, favorite bedtime stories and lullabies to make going to sleep less stressful for everyone.
Soft music, dim lights, or a quiet story or rhyme at bedtime can help ease the transition to sleep and become a source of comfort for your child.
At bedtime, stick to a peaceful routine — a shower or bath, a gentle story or a few poems (or 15 minutes of independent reading), and maybe a song and a couple of minutes of silent vigil with you sitting by the bed.
It's not just about cooking, and cleaning up after them, and reading bedtime stories at night.
At this age you should be able to stick to a bedtime routine; try to relax and calm your baby as it starts to get later by dimming the lights, having a bath and snuggling in bed; you can also read your baby a story and play them relaxing music.
Fact: Just because you stick to a routine does not mean that you have to be regimental and strict at bedtime; encourage your child to relax during the evening by spending time with them, bathing them, reading them a story and playing soothing music to them; this way they understand that it is bed time and they will learn that this mean they have to go to sleep.
After his bedtime story he starts screaming - he's very insecure at night.
It also helped her to retell the story of the very hungry Caterpillar which she did so very proudly tonight at bedtime.
Even friends who aren't that comfortable with kids may be more than willing to put in the effort for your sake and maybe read your child a bedtime story while you clean up so y ’ all can get your wine on at 8:15 sharp.
Nothing big like buying them stuff but small things like the right sippy cup, letting them pick out their own bedtime stories, kisses at night, etc..
At bedtime, we read three stories and sing two songs and then turn the lights out).
Finally, you can teach your kids to enjoy being outdoors by choosing bedtime stories that have nature themes at their center.
Set up a pleasant early - to - bed family routine; make family quiet time to look at the stars or read a bedtime story.
If you say you'll lie down with him at bedtime for an extra story tonight, make sure you follow through.
For instance, after 10 stickers or a day of trying, you could recognize your child's effort by reading her an extra story or singing an extra song at bedtime.
At bedtime, I have started playing the «Disney» station on low after we finish bedtime stories as our snuggle - time soundtrack.
My oldest weaned at 14 months and switched to just getting a cuddle with her soother before bed; my second weaned at 28 months, and by then she was doing the same bedtime routine as our oldest (jammies, bathroom, stories and prayers, goodnight, lights out, door closed, mom and dad leave).
In a research study that observed families in the evening, a bedtime routine usually started when a parent announced that «bedtime was at hand, then progressed through a series of bedtime readiness tasks (e.g., toileting routines, bedtime story) before moving onto final nighttime farewells».6
Whether your routine includes giving your baby a bath, playing a quiet game, getting your child ready for bed, reading a bedtime story or two, or singing a lullaby, make sure you do it in the same order and at the same time every night.
A warm bath followed by stories or singing will signal an end to the day, and these same activities can be used at bedtime for years to come.
Our book link this week is What the lady bird heard I hear this read to J every evening by Rainy Day Dad at bedtime — it has to be one of his current favourite stories.
Following a well - established bedtime routine, which might include a bath or a story, can give her the comfort of knowing what to expect at bedtime and help settle her to sleep.
Later, at bedtime, I lay next to him and rub his back through stories and prayers.
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