Sentences with phrase «stories from the culture»

Genesis, along with every other creation story from every culture on the planet, tells a story in terms that that culture's people could understand to explain how life began.
With each unit, I tried to include an art project, listened to the culture's music (usually during map work), tried having the kids sample a food, wrote in their writing system, listened to a story from the culture, etc..
Present day stories from another culture, not including myths, legends, fables but actual real life fiction.
This series is my attempt to introduce positive psychology stories from the culture I am most familiar with.

Not exact matches

«Sometimes I sit across from a kid in Madrid, Spain or in Brazil and we don't share a language or a culture, but we share these stories,» he said.
Think about how you can infuse culture from the word «go» and make it part of your success story.
At the University of Texas at San Antonio, the Institute of Texan Cultures is currently hosting exhibits exploring the history of beer, brewers and breweries in Texas; the stories and customs of more than 20 of the earliest cultural groups to settle in the state; and the role played by citizens from the Lone Star State in the World War I.
I'm sensitive to people taking stories without any reciprocation to the cultures they're taking from.
There is the freedom to go deep in the culture, and tell the story from the cultural participant perspective, which allows for a high level of freedom and awareness around unique cultural and economic issues.
From the beginning, O+A saw its mission as capturing the spirit and culture of the client in the built environment and turning that spirit into a story.
«FORTUNE does a fabulous job of bringing inspirational women from different industries and cultures together under one common roof to share stories, to talk about common issues (and) to promote collaboration.
'» Asked to paint a picture of the company in 20 years, the executives mentioned such things as «on the cover of Business Week as a model success story... the Fortune most admired top - ten list... the best science and business graduates want to work here... people on airplanes rave about one of our products to seatmates... 20 consecutive years of profitable growth... an entrepreneurial culture that has spawned half a dozen new divisions from within... management gurus use us as an example of excellent management and progressive thinking,» and so on.
and apologies to all the pagans that had their spring fertility festival stolen by the christians with the blatantly copied story from other previous cultures of the death and 3 days later resurrection of their god character.
After a papal visit that provided a welcome rest from the cynicism of our hyper - political culture, coverage of the Pope has devolved into the familiar stories of spin and political speculation.
The bible is merely a reflection of stories from other cultures re-packaged to make them more easily digestible by the masses as things shifted to a new power base.
Of course, most of the Holy Bible is plagiarism from other belief systems — everything from the story of creation to the great flood was taken from other cultures and religions.
She believes the flood story was taken from other cultures as well.
most of the main stories are stolen from other religions / cultures.
The second is the equally incontestable fact that culture is derived from and connected to religion: architecture to temples of worship, drama to religious ritual, universities to acquiring sacred knowledge, music, sculpture and painting to the praise of the divine, indeed science and political economy themselves to categories generated by divine stories.
The purpose of my project was to unpack and explore the phrase «biblical womanhood» — mostly because, as a woman, the Bible's instructions and stories regarding womanhood have always intrigued me, but also because the phrase «biblical womanhood» is often invoked in the conservative evangelical culture to explain why women should be discouraged from working outside the home and forbidden from assuming leadership positions in the church.
Religions today benefitted from collecting stories that mainly originated in oral cultures.
It is far easier to folow the history and see why your book, your god, and the NT needed to be created, BY MEN... no evidence of divine inspiration... a line showing the previous cultures your story was taken from, and one can see where the wisdom of men was incorporated... just in your version it is not mans wisdom, but something from some deity (who until the NT was a very vindictive, murderous, egotistical god), who suddenly is all love and flowers.
The two are from different traditions and cultures so the symbols, expressions, terminology, etc.) are different., but the stories and teachings are extremely similar.
The symbols, concepts, images, stories and myths of Christian origin, which remain deeply embedded in the fabric of western culture, will continue to offer the raw material from which people form their understanding of life, develop their capacity for spirituality and experience satisfaction at the deepest levels.
I think I have an idea of where it began and why it grew and how it continues to grow — it's a combination of my origin story, of comparison, of our messed - up culture, of over-heard comments, of patriarchal bullshit, of feeling different than the patented ideal, of thought conditioning, of despair, of how we centre women who conform to the ideal, of our fear of getting older, of how the women in my circles spoke about their own bodies and obsessed over calorie counting and wrinkles, of how our culture speaks about women everywhere from the Internet to sanctuaries to coffee shops to our own inner monologues.
Many stories in the Qur «an were «borrowed» from surrounding cultures, and well known circulating myths, and cultural historians know exactly where they came from:
There are a few main explanations: 1) long term failure in leadership by the Irish Catholic church, and connected with this, the awful Jansenist culture; 2) Europe — or rather, political interference from European Community institutions; 3) American money; 4) the claim of the «Yes» campaign that the Referendum was won by «the stories,» that is, the constant appeal to emotion and the complete refusal actually to think about the legal consequences of passing such a change not merely into law, but also into the Irish Constitution, the foundation of that law.
The Bible / Koran, a collection of ancient myths and stories borrowed from many different cultures over hundreds of centuries or longer.
It is possible that the creation account as it really happened was passed down from Adam and so every culture had a similar creation story.
The story describes Bachmann's influences - including figures like Francis Schaeffer and David Noebel, who most Americans have never heard of but who are superstars in conservative Christian circles - and I found them all familiar faces from my childhood as a culture warrior.
Generally, as news anchors and the news itself, more and more become the products of popular culture and consumers» desire to see the handsome and the beautiful, and the dramatic and alluring, television viewers will suffer more and more from inaccurate reporting, inane and nearly meaningless stories, outright stupidity, and a complete decline in journalistic integrity (of which this story on CNN is a part).
You are ware that your Christian bible borrowed the virgin birth, the resurrection, the story of Noah and the ark, Jonah and the whale, Adam & Eve, and the creation story from other cultures that came long before Christianity, right?
The nature of the sayings, and their origins in an oral culture, put them in a different category from the stories about Jesus» actions.
Many of the stories were regurgitated — stolen accounts from previous pagan and Zoroastrian cultures or just simply fabricated to make the masses subservient sheep.
One may certainly refrain from insisting, as some Jewish leaders have, upon mandated Holocaust studies in the public school curriculum: for many people, such «mandates» might appear as an effort to establish the passion of the Jews as the larger culture's defining story, thus, ironically, giving plausibility to anti-Semitic claims about Jewish power.
From the basic «master story» of a culture or community to the tiniest metaphor, our language results in social attitudes, behavior, roles, and structures.
like I said, the similarities end at the flood account, and it certainly is to be expected to that that real event reflected in ancient stories from other cultures..
Your statement that the bible is «an ancient collection of letters, laws, poetry, proverbs, histories, prophecies, philosophy and stories spanning multiple genres and assembled over thousands of years in cultures very different from our own.»
Reading news from a different culture means you get the story from a totally different perspective — which is always a good thing.
The Bible is an ancient collection of letters, laws, poetry, proverbs, histories, prophecies, philosophy and stories spanning multiple genres and assembled over thousands of years in cultures very different from our own.
I do see quite clearly where your particular story comes from, a compilation of previous stories from previous cultures.
The second story of culture and spirituality comes from the tales of the Hasidim.
It's stories make perfect sense when viewed as adopted and adapted and edited and rre - edited stories from various cultures about various «strong men» heroes and legends and such.
Many of the miracle stories were Nth hand hearsay that susp «iciously resemble stories from other religions and cultures.
ITs from these that a culture will create a story to explain why they worship, and in the story they will normally tell a morality tale.
The theme of displacement from home and subsequent return has been rehearsed in the literature, drama and music of many cultures not directly affected by the Christian story of salvation.
That the stories about Jesus are largely taken from older myths from other cultures?
All were written by ancient men who took their religions stories from previous cultures.
The similarity in style and content between the stories I knew from the Bible and the myths of other Mesopotamian cultures suddenly made those strange tales of talking snakes and forbidden fruit and boats packed with animals seem colloquial, routine — nothing more than myths operating from the religious and literary conventions of the day.
Many said that the teacher should have, a broad acquaintance with the Bible and with literature in general, and with parallel stories from other ancient cultures.
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