Sentences with phrase «stories of people using»

I have not seen news stories of people using kirpans against others.
«There's nothing better than hearing the stories of people using our services,» Emma said.
The web is layered with success stories of people using a high - fat ketogenic diet to drop a vast quantity of weight.
Our site is made up of many pages, but ultimately, this one page shares what's most important — the real stories of people using FlexJobs to successfully find jobs that better fit their lives.

Not exact matches

They are Social Currency (e.g., sharing things that make people look good), Triggers (acknowledging that we talk about things that are top - of - mind), Emotion, Public (imitating what we see others do), Practical Value (news people can use) and Stories (information passed along under the guise of idle chitchat).
But the use of this story is anything but: «One of the great things about the catalyst story is it's a great way to help your people understand some of the change you want to surface at your company,» Gittins said.
Build a media presence of some kind: tell stories about the people who are using your services through a blog at least.
At first, people's reactions are to the beauty of the artwork — then, they start to read and explore through the visual story and see that the content is there, and that they can really use these graphics for their work in a number of ways.
«I'm focused on telling the story of Twitter, to deepen engagement for people already using Twitter, and for people not using Twitter today,» she said.
«Since the publication of this story, we've observed and heard from worried activists, journalists and ordinary people who use WhatsApp, who tell us that people are switching to SMS and Facebook Messenger, among other options - many services that are strictly less secure than WhatsApp.»
Dennis Cowhey, author of the book What Does It Mean — The Personal Stories Behind Vanity License Plates, says business people have used all sorts of creative combinations of numerals and letters to let the world know what they do.
Just ask Farhad Mohit, founder and CEO of Flipagram, an L.A. - based content platform that enables people to create and share visual stories using their own photos and videos and pair them with legally licensed music on their phones.
Reese's list of the top 20 grammatical errors people commonly make was one of Inc.'s most popular columns last month, with readers sharing the story on social media nearly 90,000 times and offering plenty of their own pet peeves regarding how others use the English language.
«I've been contemplating that for a long time and trying to figure out how we can use VR to tell stories and transform lives and transport people to places they've never been, and introduce perspectives they've never even thought of.
While those kinds of stories are the ones many people will think of when they hear the name, however, Gawker also used its take - no - prisoners attitude to break some truly significant news stories, stories that in many cases were ultimately picked up by the mainstream media.
What better way to tell the story of your business, than by using the people who are there working in the trenches each day beside you to help advance your mission?
He or she used this information to approach people I knew in the cryptocurrency space with a story that was, arguably, quite ludicrous: the hospital would pull the plug on my Dad if they didn't get payment of a bill and that I, in my anguish, needed to borrow and sell 10 bitcoins immediately and would pay the friend back 15 the next morning.
There are many pleasures in this story about investment banks pitching activism preparedness so I guess we might as well start with the cheapest of them, 1 which is that people who work at investment banks sometimes use words funny:
This story fits in so well, what you said Stalin did, was exactly what Blockstream people did, they all kicked out the real people that supported and promoted the actual original idea and system (in this case Bitcoin system) and then using censorship, propaganda and army of USEFUL IDIOTS to fight their dirty wars, try to take out the original idea, and replace the system with some other shit that will benefit them.
Through stories of people who've made dramatic gains in self - awareness, she offers surprising secrets, techniques and strategies to help readers do the same — and how to use this insight to be more fulfilled, confident, and successful in life and in work.
That, as it turns out, is the number reported by a New York Times story on Facebook and Cambridge Analytica published Saturday, citing documents and people familiar with the collection and use of the data.
Social media is full of stories of those with boats using them to rescue people from their homes.
He also has on - the - record quotes from former AMI employees talking about how the company would purchase stories in order to kill them and buy the silence of the person behind them — a practice known as «catch and kill» — or to use as leverage against celebrities.
Use the bible for what it was intended, moral stories of how people should act, although current societal norms would certainly preclude stoning and other current justice and civil rights departures from the rigid teachings / interpretations of the bible.
So does Harry Potter, so does Iron Man, and many other fictional stories, but their use of real events or people does not make them accurate.
'» Asked to paint a picture of the company in 20 years, the executives mentioned such things as «on the cover of Business Week as a model success story... the Fortune most admired top - ten list... the best science and business graduates want to work here... people on airplanes rave about one of our products to seatmates... 20 consecutive years of profitable growth... an entrepreneurial culture that has spawned half a dozen new divisions from within... management gurus use us as an example of excellent management and progressive thinking,» and so on.
And, I wish people who have never studied the bible and the qu «ran to stop and learn the truth... both books are telling the same story of God's love and they both have been used to kill and enslave people.
Many years ago I was added to the listserve for a group of Evangelical pastors, though not a pastor myself, and one day one of them asked the group about using stories or quotes in sermons without telling their people they were using them, that is, presenting the stories as their own stories and the quotes as their own creation.
In telling Anatoly Pavlovich Sukhanov's story, she makes skillful use of several different voices, often a straightforward third - person narration, sometimes sliding on occasion in mid-paragraph to the first person.
The same person who started Mormonism as a convicted fraud who told a story about using a black hat and a magic rock to translate the Book of Mormon, the world's most perfect book that has had 3000 corrects had two 14 year old wives.
Users of the social network are notoriously brutal, and alongside the outpourings of grief were criticisms of Hoffman's drug use, questions of why this story got top news billing above far more worthy tragedies, and then, in increasing waves, attempts by people to place themselves in the story.
I declined as I didn't want to profit from this gift I was given, but as I know from the story of the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4 that the Lord uses testimonies to draw others to Himself, so at my own expense I had my testimony printed at a local print shop for a few hundred dollars, and am distributing it with New Testaments to people as the Lord leads.
Far too many people have validated their own short comings by use of a story telling book.
Mr. Jones: Ok your Honor, I can see how foolish I was to try and use the story of Melchizedeck to try and get the people to tithe money.
Re revise the whole story, but confusion comes in where people interpret sons of God as man, in Job, the sons of God were not man, use Greek interpretations on them and see what you come up with
Sources I've used include the details from people's stories, organizational histories, online blog and website links, timelines, by - laws, court papers, contracts, minutes of meetings, non-profit reports, etc..
The Public Order Act, argues Rod Liddle, source of the first story, «is used... to criminalise people who express inconvenient political views».
I honestly don't think that most people at that level of EV leadership at the time knew the whole story, or knew that they were being used to shutdown calls for accountability.
She uses several examples — the story that all Africans are helpless and in need of white saviors, the story that all Mexicans are sneaking across the American border to steal jobs, the story that all writers must have difficult childhoods to write well, the story that people in poverty are to be only pitied, etc..
Harassment includes but is not limited to: verbal, physical, or written conduct, conduct of a sexually inappropriate nature, physical or psychological abuse, repeated remarks of a demeaning nature, implied or explicit threats, demeaning jokes, stories, or activities, and intentional use of names and pronouns inconsistent with a person's presented gender.
Well Bob, let me try to be brief... the old testament is the history of the nascient people of Israel, and tells the story of the hammering process God used to mold them into His people... They frequently adopted the gods of pagans and idol worshippers, and the OT describes how God so wanted them to be His people... So many of the old testament prophecies actually point to a coming Messiah.
I guess the moral of this story for many people is that Peter should have used a gun instead of a sword.
What Jesus is credited with, though, is using the most despised person as the hero of His story (we call it the Parable of the Good Samaritan).
Keillor has a keen ear for parody, and makes use of it in unlikely ways, as in the marvelous «Your Wedding and You» with its explanation of the «alternative wedding» (only Garry Trudeau's «Doonesbury» has caught this «60s and «70s language as accurately), and in his more recent homage to punk rock in «Don: The True Story of a Young Person
This is an infinite which expresses itself in a narrative vision, not a predetermined narrative nor one which intends to include only a particular kind of people or a particular reality, but a story which is much more open than the old story used to be — a story, indeed, with many strands rather than with one, and a story which is not going to any predetermined place but which is constantly open to the best possibility that is relevant for it.
I find it amazing that people get use words like «fact» when speaking of «The Bible» passages / stories.
Nice of you to use a story about fat people to spew your bile about anyone that doesn't believe as you do.
Those ubiquitous network news stories about the «common people» whose lives are destroyed by out - of - touch policy wonks inside the Beltway do not meet any reasonable criteria for the appropriate political use of emotion and narrative particularity.
What spoke to me through this story, is how much this pastor knew the people in his church (you and I have the same definition of church, however I'm using the word here as it applies to this group of people I feel the problem in many churches today (and why dialogue during sermons wouldn't go over well) is that the pastors do not take the time to invest in the people they are trying to teach.
It wasn't that long ago that certain people were using the story of Noah and Ham to say that mixed race couples were sinners......... Anybody think that now?
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