Sentences with phrase «storm of criticism»

The fire storm of criticism over the last two weeks didn't start on Capitol Hill and wasn't provoked by legal decisions.
When the measure, known as Proposition 42, was approved on a second ballot (after having been voted down only a day earlier), it touched off a fire storm of criticism, mostly from coaches who stand to lose the services of youngsters whose academic prowess has not kept pace with their athletic skills.
The shadow Home Secretary ran into a similar storm of criticism last summer when he compared life in British inner cities to the popular American TV series The Wire, set in Baltimore, where the crime rate is far higher than anywhere in Britain.
Valeant Pharmaceuticals International (vrx) said on Tuesday it would reorganize, and stood by its full - year forecast, as it attempts to restore investor confidence after facing a storm of criticism over its business practices.
There was Citron Research, which last week issued a report calling Valeant «the pharmaceutical Enron,» setting off a storm of criticism over the drugmaker's accounting practices.
Trump has faced a storm of criticism from Democrats and members of his own Republican Party over his initial response to the violence around the rally in the Southern college town of Charlottesville.
Following a storm of criticism on social media, FaceApp CEO Yaroslav Goncharov issued a statement Wednesday promising that «the new controversial filters will be removed in the next few hours.»
The reaction was a storm of criticism that has now shaved as much as 4 percent from United Continental shares Tuesday.
The remark left people aghast, according to those who were there, and set off a storm of criticism on Twitter.
Shkreli and Turing brought a storm of criticism this summer after a decision to raise the price of a decades - old medicine by 55-fold overnight.
Turing's decision to raise the price of the decades - old medicine, which it acquired in August, brought a storm of criticism, including from Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, whose subsequent vow to reform the drug industry sent the biotech sector plummeting.
«The King's Song» was composed to celebrate Willem - Alexander's ascent to the Dutch throne but triggered a storm of criticism in Holland after its release.The...
Following a storm of criticism about the lack of financial accountability on the part of many of the TV evangelists, the groups in the l970s established the Evangelical Council for Financial Acountability to develop financial accounting and reporting principles to which all members must adhere — a kind of Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval.
But his defence of his book against a storm of criticism, and the support offered to him by other Emergent Church leaders, was striking for one thing in particular - the refusal to give clear answers to clear questions, to let their yes be yes and their no be no.
Guardiola was defending a new signing who had displaced the English national team's starting goalkeeper, Joe Hart, and had faced a storm of criticism after his debut mistake.
In addition to managing Congressman Bob Turner's successful special election last summer, Mr. Murray worked on the campaign of another would - be challenger to Ms. Gillibrand, Marc Cenedella, who declined to run after a storm of criticism of some controversial blog posts.
In his response Tuesday, Patterson was clearly trying to capitalize on the same skepticism of the press, and revulsion at its intrusion into private life, that helped revive Senator John McCain's presidential campaign in February, 2008, when the Times, after weeks of similar speculation, reported on McCain's relationship with a female lobbyist and the story was met with a storm of criticism.
U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, facing a storm of criticism over newly disclosed contacts with the Russian ambassador to the United States, recused himself from any investigation into charges that Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election.
Since his announcement Saturday that he would be the crucial 60th vote necessary to secure cloture on the health care reform bill and avoid a likely Republican filibuster, Nelson has faced a storm of criticism from conservatives in both parties — and some liberal groups.
The vandalism comes days after Mr Nuttall apologised after he faced a storm of criticism over website posts that wrongly claimed he lost «close personal friends» at the Hillsborough disaster.
The decision provoked a storm of criticism from Egyptians who accused Mr. Sisi of trading land for money.
David Cameron provoked a storm of criticism at the end of 2015 with his decision to award a knighthood to Lynton Crosby.
The new figure means Amber Rudd, the energy and climate change secretary, has rowed back from an original proposal to slash subsidies by 87 % to 1.63 p after a storm of criticism.
In a April 12, 2009 interview with New York magazine, Ulrich said «Republicans aren't all religious fundamentalists from Alabama; some of us are just normal» — a remark that drew a storm of criticism from conservatives and religious Republicans alike.
That story met with a storm of criticism.
However, it has attracted a storm of criticism: 1.4 million people had to be displaced to build it, and the enormous reservoir it created on the Yangtze river is plagued by pollution.
A storm of criticism has rained down on a paper by genome - sequencing pioneer Craig Venter that claims to predict people's physical traits from their DNA.
His repetition, without evidence, of claims that vaccine ingredients — preservatives and so - called adjuvants, which enhance the body's response to the vaccine — are dangerous, as well as the long - discredited assertion that vaccines cause autism, ignited a storm of criticism from doctors on Twitter, as STAT reports.
But it stands to generate a storm of criticism from conservative groups.
The challenges of fieldwork are minor compared with the storm of criticism she's endured for the central claim of her work: that her team has recovered fragments of proteins from dinosaurs as old as 80 million years.
Though Hall says he meant his K - index lightheartedly, his article in Genome Biology sparked a Twitter storm of criticism.
But a storm of criticism has forced the climate scientist to defend her hypothesis.
Last year his team claimed drinking wells close to fracking sites in Pennsylvania were contaminated with methane — perhaps from fracking — a finding that was met with a storm of criticism.
As far as beauty is concerned, Howard Gardner is not unaware of the storm of criticism the French Impressionists encountered initially.
Runcie, 50, who was recruited to help clean up Chicago schools after an episode of mismanagement, now will now head a district that has also weathered a storm of criticism for what a state grand jury report called `'» inept» leadership.
After a storm of criticism, Reagan reversed himself.
«When Prince George's County Council woman Mary Lehman proposed to order animal control to release» TNR cats, «she ran into a storm of criticism at a council public hearing.»
I could raise a storm of criticism and ire, and attempt to have all books banned for «filth» of this «erotic literature.»
Shortly after, BioWare faced a storm of criticism about the ending of Mass Effect 3: a game that should have been (and was in many regards) a crowning triumph for the studio.
Calpine Corporation is proposing another 275 MW gas - powered plant to be located nearby to Oxnard on the Santa Clara river, an idea that has set off a storm of criticism.
The case unleashed a storm of criticism.
Of course these companies, particularly in the case of Uber, have also faced a storm of criticism.
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