Sentences with phrase «story matters»

It is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit that believes stories matter.
As contemporary artists seek to address the worlds in which they live, their art raises important questions about whose bodies and whose stories matter.
It hints at exactly why stories matter, what Anderson's aims for but doesn't fully succeed in saying — in terms of family, these shared histories and stories, happy or tragic, are how we stay close and how we remember.
Creativity, uniqueness, and story matter more than ever: all things a well - executed crowdfunding campaign bring forth effortlessly.
Black stories matter at Sundance because it opens the flood gates for more creative stories by people of color to enter the television and film industry.
Bryn Huntpalmer of The Birth Story Podcast joins the blog to talk about why all birth stories matter.
No matter how weak the story
In the end, the individual stories matter little in the grand scheme of things, as the epitaph confirms that this was not an isolated situation.
Women were largely left with the labor of explaining why wage parity matters, and why telling diverse stories matters, and why having more women and people of color occupying positions of power in all industries in America matters.
Some highlights included the Dance Theatre Etcetera session Spoken Word Poetry and Rap as Pedagogy, StoryCorpsU's Building Community in the Classroom: Why Do Stories Matter?
But for now, you can find the Fan Brothers surrounded by gently rocking boats and golden fish, in a place where stories matter and the ocean meets the sky.
But in the Lord's eye, your character not stories matter.
Finally, Glass Door wants readers to realize that robust stories matter.
Tom Rob Smith, Jamie Ford, Nicola Griffith, Jussi Adler - Olsen, and Stella Cameron on why stories matter.
The shorts showcase also included a topical «Black Lives Black Stories Matter» program.
But I began to wonder whose stories mattered and whose «public lands» these were.
This translates to writing in a similar fashion: pacing and deliver of the story matter as much as the content.
Still, the story matters because it fits into a broader pattern of payoffs, including from AMI, being used to cover up stories about Trump sex scandals.
If the story matters and it's interesting, find a way.»
Listen to the episode of Today, Explained all about Stormy Daniels — where she came from, why her story matters, and more — below.
Your story matters.
But her «gutsiness» is cheap, given that there is now an entire academic industry telling women that their stories matter, to say nothing of the media and their many productions and publications by and for women.
This story matters, but not everything that matters requires a response from me.
All stories matter because all people matter.
Is Wilde's Glamour breastfeeding image the commodification of fantasy - style mother - child moments or is it a small step towards telling mothers that they deserve to be seen and that their stories matter?
Whether you are a foster youth, an LGBTQ parent, a child welfare professional, or an ally, YOUR story matters.
Once I heard more about it, it transpired that Nicola Gibson and Emma Beck where working on a... Continue reading Stillbirth Stories: Because Each Story Matters
Story matters.
Follow her journey as she promotes self - acceptance, the idea that we all deserve to be seen, and the conviction that every story matters.
I may not know the details but I know that their story matters and that it has had an impact on who they are today.
My story matters?
Your story matters!
Given how little the story matters, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck could have been swapped in as the protagonists and I probably wouldn't have noticed.
Each of our stories matter and Cooper continues to give each one dignity by using Sundance as a platform to share them with the world.»
Coogler makes sure to acknowledge that Grant's story matters and it sends a strong message.
Our stories matter and our lives matter.
All those parts of the story matter.
It would also serve as a warning shot across the bows of every action movie director that story matters, damn it, and to get rid of the jive - talking robots.
Reitman presents the story matter - of - factly and fails to offer anything unique in how the story is presented.
We'll find out whether the story matters or not in terms of Best Picture, or whether the «experience» can carry it over to the win.
I actually read the book in preparation for this one because it was such a phenomenon, and I thought it would be good to walk in with a vague clue as to why this story mattered culturally.
Their story matters only in smaller moments, like a pair of climactic tryouts in front of major league scouts, and even then, the movie keeps cutting back to J.B. Bernstein (Jon Hamm), the agent, looking distraught by or proud of his finds.
Dianca's leadership in that early instance proved useful not only in explaining to the class — and to me — the role of the placenta, but also in communicating to the other students the sense that their stories mattered too.
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