Sentences with phrase «story of a lifetime»

If he manages to survive until morning, it's sure to be the story of a lifetime.
Director and co-screenwriter (along with Chris Gerolmo, Allison Burnett, and Michael Bortman) Rod Lurie tells the uplifting tale of a sports writer who almost lost it all before stumbling into the story of a lifetime in this uplifting sports - themed drama starring Josh Hartnett and Samuel L. Jackson.
«Tusk is a modern - day monster movie that follows a journalist named Wallace (Long) who finds the story of a lifetime in Mr. Howe (Parks), a worldwide adventurer with amazing tales and a curious penchant for walruses.»
On the civilian front, Mason Weaver (Brie Larson) is a tough, sexy «photojournalist» (a job that exists in the movies, not so much in real life) who senses the story of a lifetime, and Bill has also hired a tracker: former British special forces guy James Conrad (Hiddleston) whose alpha chops are established at the very beginning with a perfunctory fight in a bar.
Tusk (Kevin Smith), USA World Premiere Wallace (Justin Long) is a podcaster on a mission who thinks he has found the story of a lifetime in Howard Howe (Michael Parks), an adventurer with amazing stories and a curious penchant for walruses.
«This is the story of a lifetime» — the breathtaking and seductive MOONLIGHT trailer and poster are here
When he has an inspiring chance encounter with his idol (Al Pacino), he uproots his life and moves to Somalia looking for the story of a lifetime.
The opposite occurred, partly because people doing their jobs right is inherently interesting (something few in Hollywood have ever understood), partly because these were extraordinary people working the story of a lifetime, and partly because of a dream cast.
Official Synopsis: Wallace (Justin Long), a journalist on a mission finds the story of a lifetime in Mr. Howe (Michael Parks), a worldwide adventurer with amazing tales and a curious penchant for walruses.
In her uplifting memoir I Will Not Fear: My Story of a Lifetime of Building Faith Under Fire bestselling author Melba Pattillo Beals tells the story of how her spiritual beliefs helped her find a path forward during a troubling time in American history.
Case in point; an author has been playing coy with me for a few weeks, telling me their manuscript is the «story of a lifetime
It is my belief that this is the biggest story of my lifetime (yes, bigger even than Watergate).
The two drivers are: (1) this is the biggest story of my lifetime, bigger than Watergate, and as a journalist I can not resist following it where it leads; and (2) I care about the friends I have made on all the boards and blogs and I have had hundreds of them express great gratitude that I was the first person with the courage to tell them the realities of stock investing.
My Cafe: Recipes & Stories is the restaurant story of a lifetime!

Not exact matches

Each has a lifetime of material to scour for stories revealing Trump's softer side as a parent.
I didn't much care for the 2015 Best Picture of the Year Spotlight; in my view, it was a Lifetime version of the kind of gripping story about journalism that All the President's Men actually was.
And check out my Fortune colleague Carol Loomis» story about nine new signers of The Giving Pledge, which is Buffett's and Bill and Melinda Gates» philanthropic program to encourage billionaires to donate their money during their lifetimes.
«The short story was, I wanted to create the conditions for world peace in my lifetime,» Tan says of his efforts.
When Lampshire is forming a tribe, the origin story becomes the thread for cultivation throughout the lifetime of the tribe.
The moral of the story is to always execute love 100 % over a lifetime and never have regrets by the time youre on your death bed.
I used to like CNN very much for their journalism, but now it seems to be on a mission to putting up false stories from no name historians, where are the historians with a lifetime of credentials?
Everything has changed, everything will continue to change, but we will still be here, in a car, kissing like teenagers over a lifetime of stories shared.
The Bible is littered with stories of people who waited on God, sometimes for a lifetime, for His promises to be fulfilled.
Like most, I've spent a lifetime scanning through the pages of Scripture searching to find «my» story: a biblical narrative I could write myself into.
serious conversations of boundary - marking young Christians, no matter the circumstances of your story, you are not disqualified from life or from joy or from marriage or from your calling or from a healthy and wonderful lifetime of sex because you had — and, heaven forbid, enjoyed — sex before you were married.
True, according to the myth this is a story of one who became a Buddha after many lifetimes.
8:16, 17) and it is probable that court annals were kept which enabled somebody, either in David's lifetime or almost immediately afterward, to tell in remarkably vivid and vital form the story of the powerful but frustrated and jealous Saul, his winsome and gallant son Jonathan, and the great King David.
When Jesus represented Abraham in Paradise saying to Dives in torment, «Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and Lazarus in like manner evil things: but now here he is comforted, and thou art in anguish,» (Luke 16:25)-- as though such reversal of circumstance, issuing in a permanently divided humanity, some in bliss and some in torture, would be an ethically adequate ending to the human story — he spoke in the traditional manner of Judaism, but the modern conscience remains unconvinced.
My children shake their heads at the stories of segregation in schools, restaurants and doctors» offices, unable to believe such things took place in their parents» lifetimes.
As for the reports of the «witnesses» during Jesus» lifetime, the stories told about him, the reports of his teaching, his sayings, parables, interpretations of the Law, controversies with the scribes, and the application of Old Testament laws and prophecies — all this was undoubtedly orientated and controlled by the eschatological outlook of his teaching and ministry as a whole, but also undoubtedly it lacked the sharpness of focus which the Resurrection was later to give it.
It's in this twin turmoil of Algeria and his personal life that The Fall grew, rapidly and unexpectedly, from a brief story intended for the collection Exile and the Kingdom, into a novel, the last and most personal published in his lifetime.
We have had enough of Wenger's ancient stories to last us a lifetime.
My colleague E.M. Swift wrote the story about the Olympic champion from Norway with a «headful of dreams and almost a lifetime in which to accomplish them.»
Mark my words, there'll be no repetition of this lifetime story, not by Leicester again.
I am not foolish enough to believe they will keep telling the story over the rest of my lifetime the way I want it to be told, with the Wenger philosophy at the forefront of all of our successes.
As a New York Times bestselling author of two books of non-fiction and one novel, and a lifetime performer and storyteller, I can help you get to the heart of your story and provide the kind of feedback that connects you to your own unique voice and flow.
A Journey of a Lifetime will share the stories of the people and places involved in the largest wave of immigration in our country's history, and provide an opportunity for Canadians to document their own stories.
Journey of a Lifetime, Presented by BMO Financial Group shares the stories of the people, places and journey involved in the largest wave of immigration in Canadian history.
Journey of a Lifetime shares the stories of the people, places and triumphs involved in the westward migration of the early 20th century — the largest wave of immigration in Canadian history.
Skill - building Hidden Picture scenes help them learn through play, and engaging fiction and nonfiction stories encourage a lifetime love of reading.
When Sandy was diagnosed, she fortunately caught it early and used her story to spread the word that getting screened can truly make a lifetime of difference.
JPG Read My Profile Read my published stories on The Philadelphia Inquirer 06/15/2014 Study estimates basic lifetime autism care at 1.4 M 06/17/2014 M entally ill Philly Man leaves prison after seven years of waiting for a trial 06/22/2014 C heck Up: Harnessing humor to cope with cancer 06...
He spent his lifetime piecing together the story of how a raging wall of water hundreds of feet high roared across eastern Washington, carving deep channels before cascading down the Columbia River Gorge as a wall of water high enough to turn Oregon's Willamette Valley into a vast backwater lake.
As a side note, prospective cohort studies tend to assess a more true to life story of the participant's dietary habits over a lifetime, so it's possible that a higher percentage actually applies across the boards.
John Nicholson, author of the new book, The Meat Fix: How A Lifetime of Healthy Eating Nearly Killed Mejoins Dr. Lo to discuss his story of 26 years of vegetarianism and the health consequences he experienced.
Standing in the rain, at a train platform, beneath the yellow umbrella they had both at one point owned, their first conversation was truly the kind of conversation you have just once in your lifetime, as they tied up the various threads of story from the past five years of almost encounters.
Some of our members have made lifetime friendships and become part of our online community without necessarily becoming a romantic «success story».
This original telefilm from Lifetime Television is titled Matters of Life & Dating, with a subtitle of The Irreverent Story of Searching for Mr. Right.
In a lifetime of movie - going I've been happier with movies adapted from short stories than movies adapted from novels, and movies adapted from novels more than those made from plays.
Once in a Lifetime: The Extraordinary Story of the New York Cosmos is a documentary by Paul Crowder and John Dower that looks at the team's remarkable history and includes interviews with many of the Cosmos» star players (with the notable exception of Pele, who declined to participate).
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