Sentences with phrase «straight in a chair»

With a confident nod, usually, and a gleam of conviction in their eye, the customer would sit a little straighter in their chair and declare: «I think I'll try that, then.»
Sit straight in a chair or against a wall.
I have an 8 month old and she sits up so much straighter in this chair then she does in other high chairs so she has an easier time eating.
If you can't sit on the floor, sit up straight in a chair, with both feet planted firmly on the ground.
He told me that he wanted to try to sit up straighter in the chair and to be more independent with his activities of daily living, thus, the button fastening «thing».
Sit straight in a chair and allow your arm to hang over the arm of the chair or rest your forearm on a table with your hand and wrist hanging off the side.
The 4 -7-8 Exercise: Sit up straight in your chair, and place your tongue just behind your top front teeth.
Try sitting up straighter in your chair, and give your shoulders a backwards roll or two (just keep it subtle so that the interviewer doesn't notice).
The screen should be directly at eye level when you're sitting straight in a chair.

Not exact matches

Your chair should have built - in support for the curve in your lower back so you can sit up straight.
«Sit in your chair or on the floor with your back straight.
/ Now sit in a comfortable, straight - backed chair, in a quiet place, in whatever posture allows you not to be preoccupied with your body.
James settled back into his chair, paused a moment, and then suddenly leaned forward again, looking me straight in the eye.
She loved to pull her chair out of the large straight table and she loved to sit down on her chair at the large straight table in the classroom!
She loved to stand up and she loved to push her chair in the large straight table in the classroom!
Soak up the sun in style as we send expertly mixed cocktails straight to your lounge chair, or savor a signature dish by starlight while enjoying spectacular skyline views.
But Bosland, who today in effect sits in Fabian Garcia's chair, sets the record straight, centennial - planning-wise: «Fabian began his chile breeding work in 1907 and officially released the New Mexico No. 9 in 1921.
As a poker player he is viewed as conservative, and that's how he looks as he sits straight up in his chair wearing a vested suit and a firmly knotted tie.
Now the two of them, Tweed and Papa, who sits in his chair like a busted old jazz musician, torn around the edges but straight with dignity, spend much time together in Papa's living room.
Her throne is a simple easy chair, in which she sits straight and proud on the April afternoon she has chosen to grant me an audience.
One could choose belts to tie children tightly in bed or a head holder with chin clamp to hold a head straight or straight holder to sit up in a chair or shoulder bands to keep the shoulders nicely back.
For instance, we had a yellow chair in our living room that we always nursed in — from the time he was an infant I used that chair because it had a very firm, straight back and was comfy for sitting and nursing.
I love this chair, it's easy to clean my son sits up very straight and we had it for about 3 months, I like you can put the it in the dishwasher.
Try lifting your back neck and shoulders up straight and sit in a straight backed chair as often as possible.
His legs will stretch out straight behind you or, if you are in a chair, you can rest his bottom against the back of the chair and angle his legs straight up.
Rather, sit up straight, like your teachers used to tell you in school, with your back flush against the chair.
The chair is a great size for her and she has been able to easily sit up straight in it for the past month.
Sit up straight in a comfortable chair with armrests.
But the perceptron was limited: Consisting of a mere two layers, it could only recognize a «linearly separable» pattern, such as a plot of black dots and white dots that can be separated by a single straight line (or, in more graphic terms, a cat sitting next to a chair).
The young man looks the woman opposite him straight in the eye, rocking slightly in his swivel chair.
As you bend your hips and knees and start slowly lowering the torso, push your butt back like you would if you wanted to sit in a chair, while keeping the back straight and the head neutral.
Sit in your chair with your legs straight out and unsupported.
In the same position with your legs on a chair, raise your arms overhead so they touch the ground above your head and your torso and arms form a Y shape with your elbows straight.
Do a standard Chair Pose with arms extended straight in front of you.
Sit in the straight back chair, hands as wide apart as your shoulders.
Your butt should be in front of the chair and your legs should be straight.
10: Hanging Knee Raises on a Captain's Chair 9: The Plank Pose 8: Stability Ball Crunches 7: Stability Ball Piques / Straight Leg Roll - Ins 6: Swiss Ball Exchange between the Feet and Hands 5: Reebok Core Board Twisting Knee Raises 4: Medicine Ball Russian Twists 3: Moving Side Planks 2: Decline Reverse Crunches on a Board 1: Bicycle Crunches
You can't just be sitting in a chair, sitting upright with your spine straight.
Before you stand up from a couch or chair, make sure your feet are parallel and pointing straight forward, not in or out.
I recommend you sit in a chair or directly on the floor with your head, neck and back straight but not stiff.
In order to stretch the gastrocnemius, sit on the floor or a chair with the leg straight out in front of yoIn order to stretch the gastrocnemius, sit on the floor or a chair with the leg straight out in front of yoin front of you.
Step 2: Keeping your back straight and core tight, push your hips behind you while pretending to sit in a chair
Coming to the edge of your chair, bring both of your legs straight out in front of you.
There are a couple of different moves you can perform in this chair, rest your arms on the pads, hold the handles and bring your knees up towards your chest, or for a more intense workout do a straight leg raise so bring both legs up together keeping them horizontally out in front of you.
Sitting in a chair, put your legs straight out in front of you.
Sun Salutation B Follow this sequence: From mountain pose move into chair pose with feet together in a low squat and arms straight above your head.
If you have ever been coached to scoot your buns back in your chair and then work to press your back against the seat back, «sitting up straight», please forget everything you have been taught.
Sitting in a chair, place a fairly lightweight dumbbell between your feet and lift legs straight up off the ground and lower slowly.
Sit on a ball or chair, back straight and abs in.
But if you sit in a hard back chair, a good old - fashioned chair, it can have a nice comfortable pillow, but it forces you to stand up and to sit up straight,» she says.
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