Sentences with phrase «straighten your legs coming»

Release by inhaling and reaching the left fingers up and back into the original Warrior II pose, or straighten your legs coming into 5 Pointed Stars.

Not exact matches

For an advanced variation, straighten the legs, coming to the full pose, Navasana, with the arms forward.
With both knees on the ground, come into a strong plank, then lift and straighten one leg.
While coming up, straighten your legs and arms back to your side.
To come out of the pose, inhale as you straighten your right leg and use your left arm to swing your torso back to center, with your arms out to the side.
Calisthenic: leg lift From Cat / Dog, straighten back, coming to tabletop position.
Inhale, straighten your legs and torso, and come back to starting position.
Shift your weight into the left side and, staying as low as you can (it's natural for the left leg to straighten a little, but don't come out of the bent knee all the way), lift the right leg straight up and out to the side, squeezing into your side butt (abductors if we're being fancy).
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