Sentences with phrase «straighten your legs on»

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At a healing service around the same time, our minister laid his hands on my left leg, which curved in at the ankle and required me to wear a special heavy shoe, and as he prayed I watched my leg straighten out before my eyes.
While you do a traditional push - up (toes on the floor, legs and back straight, elbows bent), your child can push up from his knees or just lie on his stomach and straighten his arms.
Lay your baby flat on their back, hold their feet, bend one knee while you straighten the other and pump their legs as if they were riding an imaginary bicycle.
Lift him upright with his feet on the floor and he'll push down and straighten his legs so that he's virtually standing by himself (except for the balance you're providing).
Straightening the legs places a lever - like force on the femur, encouraging the hip to pop out of the socket.
Or why, when she is standing on tiptoe on one leg in an arabesque — bent at the waist, with her other leg extended horizontally behind her — and her partner gives her a twist, she will do a rapid «pencil» turn if she straightens up and pulls her leg in.
As it moves, the robot will bend one of its knee joints and then straighten it; if the knee joint fails to straighten, the robot determines that it can not put weight on that leg without falling over.
Lie on the floor and pull one leg up and straighten it.
Kneel on hands and knees, and then push back to straighten legs and open shoulders so your body makes an upside down V shape.
With both hands on the ground, slowly pull your hips back so that they stack over your left knee, straightening the right leg.
Straightening the legs places a lever - like force on the femur, encouraging the hip to pop out of the socket.
If your tailbone gets in the way when straightening legs, sit on a towel or blanket.
Straighten the right leg as much as you can — think a deep stretch but not to the point of pain — and keep the left leg on the floor.
Straighten legs in a plank position (harder) or knees on ground (easier).
On an inhale, straighten the front leg, and on an exhale, deepen the benOn an inhale, straighten the front leg, and on an exhale, deepen the benon an exhale, deepen the bend.
If straightening your left leg causes the right leg to shake or bend, practice with your left leg bent and your foot flat on the floor instead.
Pause on the inhale, and on the next exhale straighten your legs.
With both knees on the ground, come into a strong plank, then lift and straighten one leg.
Put your right hand on your right ankle and straighten both legs, returning to Utthita Trikonasana.
On the inhalation, pull your right kneecap and quadriceps up as you straighten your right leg, maintaining the rotation.
On an inhalation, begin to straighten the arms to lift the chest off the floor, going only to the height at which you can maintain a connection through your pubis to your legs.
Push your free leg toward the ceiling, while straightening the leg that is propped on the box and thrusting your hips upward.
Lie on your back with your legs and arms straightened and extended slightly outward, palms facing up.
If the legs are prematurely straightened this puts too much pressure on the back.
On an inhale, straighten the legs from Utkatasana.
Keeping your eyes on the weight from here lift your hand off the ground and windshield wiper the left leg to straighten up your stance in the lunge position in order to stand up.
I can tell you of my tongue's coat changing and parting like the red sea, moles falling off, grey hairs vanishing, warts disappearing, knees and entire leg bones straightening, eyesight going wild then improving, a little toenail appearing for the first time in my life, but I can also tell you of a cyst in my nose remaining, a scar on my cheek unchanged.
Lie on mat with hands behind head, rotate to the left as you bring in the left knee, while bringing in the right elbow towards it, then switch sides rotating to the right and bringing in the right knee and the left elbow to meet it, as the left leg straightens out, continue alternating sides
Carefully lie down on your back, straightening your right leg toward the sky.
Then, straighten your knees and stretch your legs out behind your torso, tops of your feet on the floor.
Lie on your back, smooth your buttocks down, and straighten your legs.
You can keep your left knee bent with the foot on the floor, or straighten your left leg by pushing out through the heel.
Raise feet and straighten legs, bringing body into a V - shape, balanced on butt.
Single Leg Deadlifts, raise one leg straight back, bend at the hips and grab the dumbbell with the opposite arm, slowly straighten up to a standing position, repeat on each side.
Place your right foot on the ground and straighten your left leg in the air.
Reclining Big Toe Hold Lie flat on your back bringing one leg, straightened, toward your head while holding your big toe Hold for 10 - 15 seconds Repeat with the other side
Lying on back with end of bench above butt, hang on to bench and bring knees into chest, straighten legs and slowly bring them down, pausing at parallel for one sec before repeating.
beginning on the hips, initiated an upward swing on kettlebell until it is directly overhead, pushing and driving it up as your arm vertical approaches above the shoulder and straighten legs.
Straighten your lifted leg up to the ceiling or try bending it and placing your ankle on the thigh of the opposite leg (the one still on the floor) for a hip opener.
Lying on your back, holding another person's ankles, swing your straightened legs up and down.
If you have a knee injury, modify the seated poses (5 and 6) by straightening your bottom leg, and practice poses 7 and 9 on your back.
Don't stand up to vertical... just straighten that front leg, keeping your front foot planted firmly on the ground.
On an inhalation, press down and slightly back through your palms, as if you were trying to propel your body forward on the floor, and begin to straighten your arms, simultaneously lifting your torso, hips and legs off the flooOn an inhalation, press down and slightly back through your palms, as if you were trying to propel your body forward on the floor, and begin to straighten your arms, simultaneously lifting your torso, hips and legs off the flooon the floor, and begin to straighten your arms, simultaneously lifting your torso, hips and legs off the floor.
Balancing on your arms, slowly straighten your legs, keeping them active and together.
Slowly, straighten your legs behind one at a time and keep the heels on the floor.
When you are ready to move on, firm and straighten the legs.
Begin on hands and knees; as you exhale, turn the toes under and lift the sit bones, straightening the legs and arms.
Sage Marichi Pose (Marichyasana): Sit tall on a yoga mat with straightened legs.
You do this by slowly straightening your arms, but keeping the legs on the ground.
To do the exercise, simply lie down with your back flat on the floor and both knees bent then straighten out your right leg, use both of your hands to grab a hold of the leg at the ankle and then keeping your hips pressed against the floor gently pull the leg towards your head until you feel some tension in the hamstring.
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