Sentences with phrase «straightening your legs for»

Use your legs to help you achieve the clean: push up from your feet, straightening your legs for added power as you pull the bell up, and landing softly back into that half - squat as you catch the bell in its new hand position.

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Lift him upright with his feet on the floor and he'll push down and straighten his legs so that he's virtually standing by himself (except for the balance you're providing).
You'll know it's time for the next size when his onesie fits very snugly and he has a bit of trouble straightening out his legs.
The quadriceps muscles in the front of the thigh are important for straightening and stabilizing the leg during movement.
For an advanced variation, straighten the legs, coming to the full pose, Navasana, with the arms forward.
For a challenge, straighten your legs so you're in a full reverse plank.
The further legs are out, the harder pulling yourself is so bend your legs to make it easier to pull yourself up and straighten legs out for more of a challenge.
Turn your right knee out, aiming for the right foot's little toe, as you pull the quadriceps up and straighten the right leg.
If the chair hold wasn't challenging enough for you then perform the same movement but straighten your legs this time.
For example, if you are bending down to touch your toes, bend your legs for a count of 2 and then straighten for a count ofFor example, if you are bending down to touch your toes, bend your legs for a count of 2 and then straighten for a count offor a count of 2 and then straighten for a count offor a count of 2.
While sitting, simply raise and straighten your leg out at a 90 - degree angle and hold the position for 10 seconds.
I can tell you of my tongue's coat changing and parting like the red sea, moles falling off, grey hairs vanishing, warts disappearing, knees and entire leg bones straightening, eyesight going wild then improving, a little toenail appearing for the first time in my life, but I can also tell you of a cyst in my nose remaining, a scar on my cheek unchanged.
Pull your in knees toward your chest by rolling the ball in, pause in this position for a count, and then straighten your legs back out.
* Try to straighten the legs as much as possible while you aim for deep and steady breaths.
Carefully unbend and straighten the left leg (see the description of Virasana [Hero Pose] for the safe way to remove the leg from its position).
Reclining Big Toe Hold Lie flat on your back bringing one leg, straightened, toward your head while holding your big toe Hold for 10 - 15 seconds Repeat with the other side
Lying on back with end of bench above butt, hang on to bench and bring knees into chest, straighten legs and slowly bring them down, pausing at parallel for one sec before repeating.
Straighten your lifted leg up to the ceiling or try bending it and placing your ankle on the thigh of the opposite leg (the one still on the floor) for a hip opener.
The individual then straightened their knee over five seconds, held the knee straight for five seconds and then took five seconds to lower the leg.
Shift your weight into the left side and, staying as low as you can (it's natural for the left leg to straighten a little, but don't come out of the bent knee all the way), lift the right leg straight up and out to the side, squeezing into your side butt (abductors if we're being fancy).
While sitting at your desk, straighten one of your legs and hold in place for a few seconds.
Hold for a brief second and then straighten your legs.
For this one, when you contract your muscles you want to also straighten your back leg.
Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) From Virabhadrasana II, straighten your front left leg and bring your front left hand to the floor or onto a block for Trikonasana.
Bring the left toe back to the floor and straighten the right leg, repeating for 8 - 16 reps before switching sides.
Inhale and straighten your leg and hold for five deep breaths.
Hold here, or for a stronger action straighten both legs and if you can maintain a straight back extend the arms parallel to the floor.
As your muscles begin to release you can slowly straighten your legs, round out your back and reach for your feet.
Because our legs bend and straighten, except for the quite athletic, the muscle above the knee sags when standing.
This muscle is responsible for extending or straightening the leg.
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