Sentences with phrase «strained muscles»

"Strained muscles" refers to muscles that are stretched or damaged due to overexertion or excessive force. Full definition
If a pregnant woman has to carry heavy luggage around her entire trip, she's putting herself at risk of straining her muscles, and putting undo stress on the baby.
Keep the air inside your lungs and at the same time impose a pressure on your lungs by straining your muscles.
Also, remember when switching to heavier weights, to start out slow with one set of 6 to 8 reps to avoid straining your muscles.
The body does less work in zero gravity, and returning to normal gravity strains muscles, hearts and the whole cardiovascular system.
Always in motion, always straining their muscles to the fullest.
Doing some exercise can help you hold a position for a long time without feeling tired or without straining your muscles.
The hamstring muscle, which makes up the back of your thigh, is the most frequently strained muscle in the body.
Most often back pain results from strained muscles and ligaments that surround the spine, but it can also be caused by structural problems or an injury.
Keep it short, simple and friendly — it's a bonus if it's funny, but don't strain a muscle trying too hard.
Adequately fueling your body post-workout is essential to replenish used glycogen (stored carbohydrates used for energy) and to restore strained muscles.
Jocks, lots of jocks, plead for quick cures for strained muscles or torn tendons.
Having your head and neck turned to one side even just a few minutes while sleeping can significantly strain the muscles and ligaments of the spine.
Instead, make your bio about you, and keep it short, simple and friendly — it's a bonus if it's funny, but don't strain a muscle trying too hard.
I seemed to pull or strain muscles at the slightest movement.
A badly strained muscle or a severely sprained ankle or knee can be a serious soft tissue injury.
Holding a club in various positions against immovable objects and straining the muscles employed at those points, he has lengthened his drives 15 yards.
I hope he gets back soon,» said Mickelson, who assured the gathered scribes that he was fully recovered from his own strained muscle.
Your baby will straighten his back and will be happy to hang in such a position actively straining the muscles of the back, abdomen and legs.
The Government whips strained every muscle they could to avoid defeat, but having been decisively defeated, the Government simply ignored the vote.
He massages strained muscles and fixes dislocated joints when doctors are too busy, he says.
Also, learning the different training method may come in handy when you find yourself in need of adapting your exercises to avoid overstraining injured or strained muscles while still working out your body.
If you spend most of your week cooped up at a desk, weekend ski and snowboard trips could leave you with strained muscles and a sore back.
You probably won't strain muscles deep within the body that have very specific roles.
On top of that, inversion equipment lets you hang freely, which gives you a level of spinal decompression you won't get with a handstand [4], and when you aren't worried about straining your muscles (or losing your balance, for that matter), you can relax deeper into the inversion.
While the main aim is to be sure that you are pushing your body a little further and trying to improve your own score, but at the end of the day, do not end up straining your muscles more than what they can handle.
These exercises are also referred to as resistance training and include anything that strains your muscles against weight or resistance.
If you do feel sore skip pushups for that day, or you'll strain your muscles even worse.
Designed with the specific purpose of relieving tensions, easing strained muscles, and improving blood circulation, muscular fatigue can now be a thing of the past.
Not drinking enough water: Dehydration doesn't just strain your muscles and organs, it can also make you more defenseless against cold and flu germs.
And playing favorites throws off your posture, which can really strain your muscles, says Daniel Mazanec, MD, head of spine medicine at the Cleveland Clinic Spine Institute.
Lifting heavy things in the wrong way can also strain the muscles in your back.
Pointers that have used their tails continuously may strain the muscles during a day of hunting which can lead to the condition.
This will allow strained muscles and tendons to heal and will increase muscle strength.
Developed in Bali, Indonesia, yet drawing its roots from traditional Chinese massage and Indian Ayurvedic therapy, this treatment works deeply to soothe damaged tissue and relieve strained muscles and joints.
This kind of injury includes strained muscles and sprained ligaments or tendons.
Most often back pain results from strained muscles and ligaments that surround the spine, but it can also be caused by structural problems with the bones of the spine.
Adequately fueling your body post-workout is essential to replenish used glycogen (stored carbohydrates used for energy) and to restore strained muscles.
You will also be working out different muscle groups and thereby avoiding strained muscles.
Having your head and neck turned to one side while sleeping can significantly strain the muscles and ligaments of the spine.
Otherwise, you will be in danger of straining a muscle or spraining connective tissue.
I strain every muscle to get a view of it — that very instant I am paralyzed.
«He would jump off his toes and land on his toes, straining the muscles, tendons and bones in his feet, causing himself almost constant pain,» says Daly.
If their heads aren't being supported properly, there's a chance that they could strain the muscles in their neck, or that their airways could become constricted, which could lead to a travesty.
Stretching will help your strained muscle relax a bit, so will back massages, if you're lucky and you have someone to do that for you.
To avoid falling forward, you might compensate by leaning back — which can strain the muscles in your lower back and contribute to back pain during pregnancy.
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