Sentences with phrase «strategic litigation»

Our policy reform efforts coupled with strategic litigation support led to a major systemic overhaul.
Not just pursuing strategic litigation in the public interest but also promoting industry best practice.
There are certain times where spending more money in the legal department makes a lot of sense such as a very strategic litigation need.
Identifying potential strategic litigation cases in collaboration with partner organizations.
To conduct strategic litigation, one needs to have a thorough knowledge of the current law and practice.
His challenge sought judicial recognition that he became a victim of strategic litigation against public participation (SLAPP) when he and four other defendants were sued October 30 by KM.
We defend and advance human rights through strategic litigation in the courts, in Canada and internationally.
SLAPP stands for strategic litigation against public participation and are used by large corporations to silence their critics and prevent them from protesting, thus denying fundamental democratic rights.
Andrew Parker is head of strategic litigation at Beachcroft LLP & one of Lord Justice Jackson's assessors
Ending impunity, securing justice: Using strategic litigation to combat modern - day slavery and human trafficking
She is involved in strategic litigation on LGBT rights and works with the UN treaty bodies and Council of Europe institutions.
The use of the courts to silence people is known as strategic litigation against public participation — or SLAPP.
The first thing to do when a litigation crisis hits your company is to set up a crisis team, according to John Toothman, founder and president of The Devil's Advocate, an Alexandria, VA - based strategic litigation consulting firm.
He has served as lead defense counsel in more than 50 national TCPA class actions and has litigated nearly a thousand individual TCPA cases in his role as national strategic litigation counsel for major banks and finance companies.
He has served as lead defense counsel in more than 50 putative nationwide TCPA class actions and has litigated nearly a thousand individual TCPA cases in his role as national strategic litigation counsel for major banks and finance companies.
«The Energy and Environment Legal Institute (E&E Legal) is a 501 (c)(3) organization engaged in strategic litigation, policy research, and public education on important energy and environmental issues.
Through a commitment to excellence and strategic litigation support, ARCHforensic LLC provides professional construction claims services to educate the trier of fact through comprehensive analysis.
They've also worked long and hard to tear down laws and protections that limit corporate control of our elected officials, dumping ever more money in politics, along with campaigns and strategic litigation designed to suppress or disenfranchise key groups of voters, especially low - income and people of color.
SLAPP = Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation.
She has worked with aboriginal organizations to organize conferences, develop strategic litigation, deliver public education, and engage in advocacy initiatives.
None of these cases are simple and each of them require strategic litigation, many witnesses, competent expert testimony, and zealous advocacy by an attorney who truly cares about the client.
Noorlander continues his fight with a project to encourage and facilitate strategic litigation regarding digital rights and freedom of speech online, to challenge surveillance and data retention practices.
The Competition Act contains several provisions designed to prevent strategic litigation, including a prohibition on cases proceeding where the Commissioner is investigating or has settled a matter, as well as provisions setting out the ability of the Tribunal to award costs against any party, the right of the Commissioner to intervene in proceedings, and a one - year limitation on the commencement of proceedings from the cessation of the conduct being questioned.
Strategic Litigation FAC has an unsurpassed record in advancing government accountability through freedom of speech and government transparency.
I also provide strategic litigation consulting services for trial attorneys in all U.S. jurisdictions.
Development of meaningful strategies for public interest litigation and the coordination of strategic litigation between intervening organizations and stakeholders
(For our experience with strategic litigation planning and consulting, see our Trial Consultation practice page.)
Whereas at Pivot, where the focus is on complex strategic litigation, we are more likely to invite pro bono lawyers to become part of a legal team, which includes being co-counsel with Pivot staff lawyers and possibly other pro bono lawyers.
Ending impunity, securing justice: Using strategic litigation to combat modern - day slavery and human trafficking by Martina Vandenberg (HT Pro Bono and the Freedom Fund, 12/15/15)
Andrew Parker is head of strategic litigation at DAC Beachcroft LLP.
On data redress, European privacy campaigner Max Schrems — most famous for his legal challenge to US government mass surveillance practices that resulted in a 15 - year - old data transfer arrangement between the EU and US being struck down in 2015 — is currently running a crowdfunding campaign to set up a not - for - profit privacy enforcement organization to take advantage of the new rules and pursue strategic litigation on commercial privacy issues.
In fact, speakers ranged beyond this brief, partly due to recognising that it would take the coalescence of strategic litigation with procedural reform and public interest to truly ignite the «green revolution.»
Before retiring, Karin's paid work positions in the last 15 years were various senior leadership positions within the Australian Taxation Office, with responsibility for strategic litigation, law design and implementation, strategic decision making and responsibility for large teams and budgets.
The parallel between «lawfare» and what activists from the other end of the spectrum would call a SLAPP suit, or strategic litigation against public participation, is interesting.
Litigation: PPAV engages in strategic litigation to defend access to reproductive health care.
CAIR - NY came up with the idea to hold the emergency rally Tuesday night when news reports of the planned executive orders began to break, according to Albert Cahn, CAIR - NY's director of strategic litigation.
«We are not the city of Donald Trump's Wall Street cabinet,» said Albert Cahn, the director of strategic litigation for CAIR - NY.
Primarily through its strategic litigation efforts, E&E Legal seeks to address and correct onerous federal and state governmental actions that negatively impact energy and the environment.
Through strategic litigation, public policy advocacy, and education, Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders works in New England and nationally to create a just society free of discrimination based on gender identity and expression, HIV status, and sexual orientation.
The conference held sessions on legal updates, self - care, campaigning, legal aid applications, how to become a social justice lawyer and strategic litigation.
Our practice consists of strategic litigation (criminal proceedings in which our client is the victim or is the subject of an investigation), legal counselling (compliance, prevention and management of criminal risks), and fraud and other internal corporate investigations.
SLAPP stands for «Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation» or «Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation».
A leading voice in the industry — evidenced by our strategic litigation head, Andrew Parker's involvement at a government and political level — that supports our clients» position in the claims arena.
• «Strategic Litigation and the Dublin Regulations — Vulnerable young people from Calais to Bristol» — Sian Pearce, Avon and Bristol Law Centre, with Safe Passage UK
Blocking Public Participation: The Use of Strategic Litigation to Silence Political Expression.Wilfred Laurier University Press.
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