Sentences with phrase «strategic significance»

Have you recently been promoted into a senior - level position, one which has more strategic significance to the business and far more responsibility?
We ask ourselves: Will this be of strategic significance for the leaders in the industry?
In terms of strategy, the TPP at the moment is the only plurilateral trade process in Asia where Canada has a seat, giving it immense strategic significance.
Nevertheless, at least in terms of their support for Asia training and education, they have avoided equating recognition of a country's strategic significance with liking everything that it does.
There is a place for fixing legal fees when the work being done really is commoditized, and not of high strategic significance to a company in the long - term.
In any case, some analysts believe that the re-launch of the Nokia 3310 will have strategic significance in emerging 2G markets, as the device will re-introduce the Nokia brand to customers who will eventually switch to a smartphone.
The area is of strategic significance to Tehran as it seeks to secure a land corridor to its allies in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon and establish a «Shi'ite crescent» of influence that has long concerned U.S. - allied states in the Middle East.
Alexei Pushkov, a Kremlin ally who is head of the international affairs committee of the Russian parliament's lower house, said on Twitter: «The 30 - year gas contract with China is of strategic significance.
The Saudi Arabian Public Investment Fund was established in 1971 to provide financing support for projects of strategic significance to the national economy, and its role has evolved to incorporate a number of different areas.
Unfortunately, it was discontinued by the next president who did not appreciate its strategic significance.
Even these early settlers recognised the strategic significance of this commanding and defendable site.
Since they are not a real threat to you, the game persuades you to take action based on their strategic significance.
The strategic significance of an opening Arctic recently made the pages of Foreign Affairs magazine, in an article by one of my longtime sources on this issue, Scott Borgerson, a former Coast Guard officer who is now a scholar at the Council on Foreign Relations.
I also discuss the strategic significance of an avoided deforestation program in helping Indonesia's long - run stability.
With that in mind, I suggest that a number of mitigation strategies have broader geo - strategic significance.
At the heart of the statement is the concern that climate change puts regions of strategic significance to the United States at risk.
This growth in activity will increase the strategic significance of the region, and will drive a need to ensure... Read more →
Mr. Lei argues that the contemporary era comprises an epoch in which «the strategic significance of [traditional commodities such as] oil and grain... may not be so important [now, as] the game between countries has entered [the] virtual» domain.
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