Sentences with phrase «strategy being used»

What strategies are used in the classroom to relieve any anxieties children have over taking tests?
In such a model, a variety of strategies are used to ensure the safety of all road users.
This article, published by PR week offers an insight into the types of creative marketing strategies being used by successful dating apps to ensure they stay relevant amongst competitors.
You should take this chance to view your opponents provinces to see what strategies they are using when defending and learn from them so you can improve your own defenses in the next game.
Ultimately a teacher should align the instructional strategies they are using with the students they are serving and the content they are teaching.
Make sure to ask the other parent which strategies are used when their child becomes stressed or upset.
Different strategies are used for the promotion of products.
Let me break it down for you, and show you the exact strategy I'm using as well.
Those businesses with the most effective content marketing strategies are using buyer personas as their guide.
Different strategies are used to prioritize economy or performance, or any transition between the two.
The same strategy is used by the insurance companies and opposing attorneys.
The best strategy is using feeding positions that give baby more control over flow.
However, it doesn't seem to matter what strategy is used against the computer, as the moves very rarely worked and the player would be working against a seemingly impossible difficulty.
We apply personalized approaches to ensure that the most effective strategy is used.
This post will be the first of a series describing, in detail, the various strategies I am using to boost my income.
Fortunately, current research offers fascinating insights about the brain's capacity to learn at higher levels when effective learning strategies are used.
Adaptive coping strategies are used when the person accepts both the facts and the accompanying emotions, and then tries to act on the basis of both.
These investment strategies are used by professional fund managers, but you can use them, too.
Exit strategies are used by virtually all finance professionals and are a key component to successful trades.
Both bull and bear strategies are used here as you are no longer limited to a certain direction.
What professional development strategies are you using to make teachers comfortable with using online learning?
Understanding who your audience is ensures that the most effective teaching strategy is used.
Teachers can take advantage of classroom footage videos in our resource libraries to compare how classroom strategies are used in the examples we provide to the teaching observed in your district.
Whatever strategy is used to understand employee silence, the end result should be a culture which encourages the free flow of information and feedback resulting in higher employee engagement and organizational effectiveness.
If your rewards are not having the desired effect on your toddler, you need to look at the other strategies you are using to deal with problem behaviour.
Perhaps the most critical strategy is using data to trigger early caring outreach to families and students who are already missing too many days of school.
And an example of an alternative strategy I'm using, is that I generate income from selling put and call options on gold and silver ETFs.
It all starts with a discussion about which values, expectations and discipline strategies they're used to or ones they want to avoid as their child gets older.
This evidence - based surveillance strategy is used to identify and treat cancer in its earliest stages.
Secondly, ensure that you do not send any money to your potential mate since such strategies are used by online scammers.
Because whatever dating strategy you're using to meet people — site, app, events parties etc. — it is still YOU that turns up in «real life».
However, if appropriate analytical strategies are used, value - added assessment need not pose the dire risks that his article implies.
How can students solve this problem using what they already know, and how can their solution strategies be used to develop the new idea?
With a class website you can post assignments, project due dates, events, extended learning opportunities, and explain what educational strategies you are using in the classroom.
As you listen to your colleague's explanation, what listening comprehension strategies are you using to help you understand your colleague's thinking?
State departments of education presenters also highlight practical strategies they are using to assess a child's school readiness and adjust instruction to help bridge any gaps.
At the rear, a select - low braking strategy is used to preserve directional stability in slippery driving.
When needed, different brand strategies are used for the author's name and the book series, increasing the brand name and value even further.
Another common strategy is using passive products actively: for example, you might use sector ETFs to move from defensive utilities to aggressive technology stocks when you think the timing is right.
This debt elimination strategy is used quite frequently to improve your credit rating by improving your credit score and credit report.
Note that because the equity curve is increasing over time it means the trading strategy being used is an effective and profitable strategy over a period of time.
Learn how the bet against beta strategy is used by a large hedge fund to profit from a pricing anomaly in the stock market caused by high stock prices.
We go over what needs to be done to ensure all possible training strategies are used to help your dog learn commands easier.
The newer gameplay suggests more puzzle - like strategy is used to progress through levels.
No high - tech bells and whistles here, but tried - and - true strategies are used in this renovation to make a small space feel much bigger.
Another business continuation strategy is using a key person life insurance policy.
First, it appears that functional strategies are quite often used by 5th and 6th graders in math problem solving whereas dysfunctional strategies are used only occasionally.
Once the function of a problem behavior is identified, positive behavior support strategies are used to make problem behavior irrelevant, inefficient and ineffective for the child.
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