Sentences with phrase «strategy for achieving someone»

Therefore, the best strategy for achieving negative emissions at the scale needed is to build a portfolio of carbon - removal approaches.
Students develop a growth mindset and learn research - based strategies for achieving goals.
But what that plan lacks is a clear strategy for achieving environmental sustainability.
She has a passion for discovering and sharing strategies for achieving optimal health and longevity, and has spent the last eight years working in the natural health industry.
I am grateful for the time you spent reviewing my career objectives and recommending strategies for achieving them.
These 8 Core Topics also offer professional learning content filled with action - based learning themes that provide practical strategies for achieving tangible, visible results.
Together we will identify your goals and develop strategies for achieving those goals.
He covers an overall strategy for achieving financial independence with residential real estate, and he also gets into finding, financing, renting, and selling properties.
In particular it fails to ensure that native title policies are brought within or are consistent with strategies for achieving economic and social development.
What are your short - term and long - term strategies for achieving your goals?
It is the duty of a field sales representative to develop and implement strategies for achieving and exceeding set sales targets.
Your financial situation, your goals, your plan are all uniquely yours, so it's imperative that you stick to your own strategy for achieving the best outcome for you.
The Nordic strategy for achieving equality and excellence in education has been based on constructing a publicly funded comprehensive school system without selecting, tracking, or streaming students during their common basic education.
They are developing common strategies for achieving positive outcomes within and across grade - levels.
This is difficult at times, but there are many strategies for achieving this.
Every situation is unique, and you can rely on us to develop a customized legal strategy for achieving your goals.
And, fortunately, it can be an important step towards finding better strategies for achieving our goals and for getting our needs met.
Clearly outlining objectives, strategies for achieving goals and individual responsibilities keeps a project running smoothly.
I sincerely appreciate the time you spent reviewing my career goals and recommending strategies for achieving them.
While the analysis in Quantitative Strategies for Achieving Alpha is valuable, this book is not an easy read.
Over the holidays, I read Quantitative Strategies for Achieving Alpha by Richard Tortoriello.
To show how students can gain through not getting feedback, high school teacher Dave Stuart Jr. lays out three reasons to write, developed after he read The Core Six: Essential Strategies for Achieving Excellence With the Common Core.
This bestseller explores 12 proven strategies for achieving success in any real estate market including: • Master the Market of the Moment: Short sales, foreclosures, and REOs.
The Core Six: Essential Strategies for Achieving Excellence with the Common Core by Silver Strong & Associates (# 113007)
The Passivhaus Institute therefore recommends a short list of strategies for achieving its standards.
Innovative skills in developing and implementing link building strategy for achieving high search engine rankings
SHIFT explores twelve proven strategies for achieving success in any real estate market, including
Cleansing the blood is one of the most important strategies for achieving optimal health.
Discusses rationales for, meaning of, and risks involved in sharing real power with students, and suggests several strategies for achieving shared power.
Instead an increasingly fragile British state will lumber on with no clear strategy for achieving stabilization, its constitution unwritten, its unity impaired, and its public services in visible decay.
States may use energy efficiency as one of several potential strategies for achieving their targets, as long as they can demonstrate to EPA that their efforts result in real energy savings.
Community Schools should be a central strategy for achieving an equitable educational system in Milwaukee.
It contains a proven strategy for achieving outstanding returns, and the advisor has agreed to share it with readers of Canadian Couch Potato:
This year they took a new approach: «we looked for built, single - family dwellings that not only were aesthetically striking, but also employed innovative strategies for achieving environmental sustainability.
Bank executives have to perform various tasks in a bank like organizing promotional events, developing new business strategies for achieving the goals set by the management, emphasizing on development of new planning etc..
Kelly provides a three part strategy for achieving financial autopilot in retirement.
Without an Obama administration strategy for achieving some sort of order in the Middle East --- I'm open to lots of different options on that score --- I can't see how the use of force in Syria by the administration can be justified.
To Nigerians with discerning minds, electoral exercise as practiced the world over is both programme and strategy based and a keen contest where the candidates with the best programme and realistic strategies for achieving that programme is given priority / favored by the electorates.
Combining current drugs with strategies to protect oligodendrocytes, enhance myelin - making and possibly wrangle the immune system through the gut might be the best strategy for achieving prolonged benefit for people with MS.
«Based on the nearly century's worth of research, we believe the data clearly suggest that ability grouping and acceleration are two such strategies for achieving this goal.»
In this «rational choice» theory of terrorism, violence and the perpetration of fear make up an optimal strategy for achieving political and religious objectives.
I want to know this Unique Strategy for Achieving Maximum Definition.
Although a healthy eating plan is the best strategy for achieving candida balance and general good health, there are a few supplements I recommend to help support your candida detox:
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