Sentences with phrase «strategy someone implement»

It is the next logical step in a cohesive innovation strategy implemented by the federal government and supplemented with small but targeted public investments.
In Table 3 we show the performance of different definitions of value strategies implemented in both large - cap and small - cap stocks from 1967 to 2014.
Many strategies implemented for gifted students also work very well with special - needs students.
We believe a momentum strategy implemented through an index - based approach has serious limitations.
To date, management strategies implemented to delay the evolution of resistance have been successful.
The entire school community — administrators, teachers, support staff, students, parents and other stakeholders — benefit from the practices and strategies implemented through Best Behavior.
The t - stats of two of the long — short value strategies implemented in small caps are significant at the 1 % level, and one is significant at the 5 % level.
There will be a lot of new strategies implemented in the eReader market this year.
This compares to two of the same strategies implemented in the large - cap universe being significant at the 5 % level, and one at the 10 % level.
Our analysis has found that factor - based fixed income strategies implemented in a rules - based, transparent index can represent an alternative tool for fixed income portfolio construction.
Any SEO strategies you implement for your veterinary website should be used to accomplish the same goal: increase organic (natural) traffic to your website.
We have a continuous improvement strategy implemented where each day is better than day before.
Creating a comprehensive power - saving strategy implemented among staff and office, as well as delivering suggestions for the entire building.
IECMHC encompasses a broad array of strategies implemented at multiple levels: the child, the family, the provider, the program, and the community.
So the table demonstrates that, in historical perspective, Osborne's strategy implemented on top of the cutbacks already made by the current coalition government would be unusual but not unprecedented in the length of the fiscal squeeze it would imply (seven years).
I researched the industry, my market, successful books, marketing strategies implemented by big houses and authors, and tried to dissect it all.
This panel explore a variety of perspectives within the cybersecurity domain, and foster a conversation to identify alignments and misalignments between the different strategies implemented by the stakeholders in the national and international arenas.In this session, we will draw from recent cases, and address how this conversation can highlight new ways to mediate tensions and forge a path forward to better bilateral and multilateral cyber relations.
We detail the returns generated from a net nets strategy implemented from 1984 — 2008, and then attempt to explain the excess returns (alpha) generated by the net nets strategy.
It's also a nutrient timing strategy I implement with clients who run into weight loss plateaus.
Common instructional routines and strategies implemented across content areas (i.e., mathematics, social studies, science, English language arts) to teach students content area vocabulary and practices for comprehending content area academic text
We detail the returns generated from a net nets strategy implemented from 1984 - 2008, and then attempt to explain the excess returns (alpha) generated by the net nets strategy.
• Cost Containment strategies implemented along with processing time associated with return mail projects, while improving the productivity of subordinate staff.
• Cost Containment strategies implemented along with processing time associated with return mail projects, while improving the productivity of subordinate staff • Recommend streamlining operational responsibilities that effectively reduce costs associated with daily operations.
This post outlines one of the major strategies I implement for selling investments in my portfolio and those I manage.
The type of hedging strategy implemented depends on the experience level and preference of an investor, as well as whether it's allowed by the brokerage.
The report describes strategies implemented by the beverage companies to drive consumer behavior toward consumption of lower calorie beverages, including the following:
Whatever strategy you implement, don't hesitate to get started on it.
The more strategies you implement, the more improvements in revenue, participation, and healthy eating you will see.
In parallel to pursue the current effort on developing innovative therapies, this underscores the critical importance to develop preventive strategies implemented at multiple levels: designed to improve general public health by the identification of risk factors, adapted to monitor «at - risk» individuals, tailored to «patients» identified at early stages of the disease.
This is one of the key strategies we implement during my free live 30 Day PCOS Diet Challenge.
The vision, mission and instructional strategies implemented in the Jefferson County Public Schools while Dr. Berman served as superintendent from 2007 to 2011 embody this educational philosophy.
Join us to learn steps you can take to help ensure that the leadership development strategies you implement in your district and schools will make a difference for principals and aspiring principals.
The early fuel - stop strategy implemented by the No. 3 Corvette engineers yielded incredible results and the late - race driving by Tommy in the No. 4 Corvette brought everything together.
Ford also plans to take the wrapper off the new 2015 F - 150, America's most popular vehicle, with notable weight reduction strategies implemented and improved fuel mileage.
The main strategy I implement is to focus on conversion in all aspects of my marketing.
Advanced Book Marketing Strategies Implementing Digital Marketing Tactics From 9 - 5 to Entrepreneur and Published Author Using Relationship Marketing to Build a Client Base Self - publishing and Book Marketing
A common strategy we implement involves the writing and buying of futures options at the same time, known as bull call or bear put spreads.
Your actual performance will depend on your personal needs and which strategy we implement for you, but this approach helps to align the client's perception of risk with that of the underlying portfolio over the course of the changing business cycle.
Even with the 100 new people a week strategy implemented for the first two months she was with us, she is still apprehensive at times.
A report issued today by the Pratt Center for Community Development, a research and advocacy arm at Pratt Institute, identified successful strategies implemented at New York City's Brooklyn Navy Yard to be used as a...
It allows for assessing and reflecting on current curatorial and editorial strategies implemented in exhibitions of works by so - called non-Western artists in North America and Europe.
The report, «Europe's Parking U-Turn: From Accommodation to Regulation,» details a number of key, interrelated strategies implemented in 10 European cities over the last half - century, including the following:
When you engage our law firm, you can be sure that the legal strategies we implement will always be based on your priorities and business objectives.
Perhaps there was an unorthodox strategy we implemented for your resume that seemed to work wonders.
The Yale Office of Career Strategy implements a business casual dress code for industry networking events, employer information sessions, tech talks, and other on - campus employer recruiting events.
As you can see if you have checked out the testimonials on the right, my typical client has been able to double and even triple their revenue with as little as one session, and that's not to mention all the exciting strategies they implement or the time saving and stress - reducing change that also takes place.
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