Sentences with phrase «stream protection»

Also, President Obama must follow through on his promise to the people of Appalachia and propose a strong and protective stream protection rule.
The hearing was woefully biased and unbalanced, with nine witnesses testifying on behalf of the coal industry — including the acting governor of West Virginia Earl Ray Tomblin and West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin — and only two witnesses testifying to the need for increased stream protections in Appalachia and the community, health, and environmental justice impacts of destructive mountaintop removal mining.
Already, the CRA has been used to overturn stream protections and fossil fuel industry transparency.
(Editor's note: Some Republicans have complained that Obama administration stream protection policies are too rigid and not responsive to geographic differences and the needs of different kinds of land uses.
WHEREAS, the state of -LCB- state -RCB- supports reasonable, practicable and sensible efforts to improve stream protection; and WHEREAS, under existing rules, 90 percent of all coal mines have no offsite impacts — and in many states 100 percent of the operations are free of any offsite impacts — according to the Department of...
The Obama administration has promised to restore the longstanding stream protections to Appalachia and improve upon this longstanding rule by proposing a new rule, which will call the «Stream Protection Rule,» by 2011, finalizing it in 2012.
Today, the U.S. House of Representatives Natural Resources Committee holds a field hearing in Charleston, West Virginia, in an apparent attempt to thwart important stream protections in Appalachia.
The original stream protections were put into place in 1983 by President Reagan in a rule called the «stream buffer zone rule.»
Life in Appalachia depends on strong stream protections
In early February, the House and Senate voted to repeal the so - called «stream protection rule» — using a regulation - killing tool known as the Congressional Review Act.
Now, the stream protection rule was hardly the only regulation that the Obama administration slapped on the coal industry.
On Thursday, President Trump signed the bill, which means the stream protection rule is now dead.
Scrapping the stream protection rule might help boost the bottom lines of some mining companies at the margins, but it's unlikely to reverse the long inexorable downward trend of mining jobs in Appalachia.
But the stream protection rule is different.
«The stream protection rule is really just a thinly veiled attempt to wipe out coal mining jobs,» Ryan, R - Wis., said.
Instead, it was an effort to regulate the coal mining industry right out of business,» said Rep. Bill Johnson, R - Ohio, who sponsored the disapproval measure on the stream protection rule.
Arizona Rep. Raul Grijalva, senior Democrat on the House Natural Resources Committee, said repealing the stream protection rule would «sicken and kill the very people Donald Trump falsely promised to help,» coal miners in West Virginia and other states.
«For those SFSers that march, SFS will be preparing a series of short statements (suitable for signs, buttons, t - shirts) that call particular attention to recent efforts to roll back environmental protections for U.S. freshwaters (WOTUS and the stream protection rule) that are in clear disregard of the best available science,» SFS President Emily S. Bernhardt and President - elect Colden Baxter wrote in a statement.
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