Sentences with phrase «street congestion»

"Street congestion" refers to a situation where there are too many vehicles on the road, leading to heavy traffic and slow movement. Full definition
Though Governor Andrew Cuomo has expressed support for instituting a congestion pricing program to reduce street congestion in Manhattan and create a dedicated source of revenue for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), and said that he is fighting for such a scheme in state budget negotiations, the governor has recently indicated that he may only be able to win a modest first step, raising the ire of those expecting more.
At its January full board meeting, Community Board 2 unanimously passed a resolution calling on Mayor Bloomberg and the city to take steps toward dealing with chaotic street congestion caused by the massive number of street vendors along Broadway in Soho.
During the summer, decades of underinvestment in transit bubbled over into the «summer of hell,» with subway nightmares and headache - inducing street congestion.
Administration officials touted the agreement to table the measure as a win because they earned the company's cooperation in a study on street congestion, but multiple sources said City Hall gave up more than it got.
Adams says the car share program would ease street congestion, free up parking spaces and save taxpayer dollars.
In a slick presentation of images and a video, Google (GOOG) cast the new offices as a way to reduce street congestion and suburban sprawl.
On the issues of mass transit and street congestion, however, none of the candidates, including de Blasio, seemed to have immediate solutions for the city's problems with its deteriorating subways and clogged roadways.
These include a housing shortage and rising rents (both for store owners and residents), an overburdened transportation system, street congestion, and lack of recreational facilities and public spaces.
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