Sentences with phrase «street credit»

You'll also gain street credits as you progress through the game that will help you rebuild the school and unlock extra goodies.
The financial outlook has turned negative for Niagara Falls since the Seneca Nation cut off casino payments, according to one of the major Wall Street credit rating firms.
The new plan also offers a major bow to bondholders and Wall Street credit rating agencies, who might be worried that state bonds — with payments guaranteed by the state's income tax revenues — could face future payment issues if Albany is to rely less on income tax collections.
This smooth love song begs a couples» sing off and is the romantic classic to give you some cool 70s street credit in the romance department.
Although living in Highland Park gives you «hipster street credit», there are large numbers of hipsters moving into El Sereno with their beard grooming kits and vintage record collections under their arms.
Wenger: No offense dude but you are going g my street credit no good.
Needless to say, my street credit rating was very low.
Smaller class sizes and over educated robot teachers who are in it for the street credit.
The wing - like opening doors don't hurt the SLS AMG ®'s street credit either!
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