Sentences with phrase «strengthen brain connections»

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A study published in May found that for adults aged 60 - 88, walking for 30 minutes four days a week for 12 weeks appeared to strengthen connectivity in a region of the brain where weakened connections have been linked with memory loss.
Gazzaley and Rosen say some activities may boost cognition and attention by stimulating the brain's ability to strengthen and reorganize existing neural connections, a process called neuroplasticity.
The researchers found strengthened connectivity in a region of the brain where weakened connections have been linked with memory loss.
The results showed strengthened connectivity in a region of the brain where weakened connections have been linked with memory loss.
More than any other experiences infants have, they trigger the development and strengthening of neural connections in the brain between the regions that control emotion, cognition, language, and memory.
More than any other experiences in infancy, these rudimentary interactions trigger the development and strengthening of connections among the regions of the brain that control emotion, cognition, language, and memory.
«Play is a crucial way in which children can open their minds, strengthen their brains, and create spontaneous connections with others without judgement or fear.
The children get the tools and support they need to get their body / brain connections working better, the parents get these same benefits from doing the activities and movements with their children and the parent / child relationship is strengthened by the time spent together doing the activities.
The Power of Yes [3] Duhachek A, Zhang S, Krishnan S. Connections in the brains of young children strengthen during sleep, CU - Boulder study finds.
While young children sleep, connections between the left and the right hemispheres of their brain strengthen, which may help brain functions mature, according to a new study by the University of Colorado Boulder.
Find out how songs can strengthen your bond with your baby, help his brain develop, and nurture your child's connection with th...
Researchers genetically engineered mice to produce cadherin, a protein involved in learning that helps strengthen the brain's neural connections.
Their brains differed in the activity of over a hundred genes that provide cells with energy, influence chemical communications in the brain and strengthen the connection between nerve cells.
And pain protects us by stimulating and strengthening neural connections in the brain, forcing us to associate the sensation with the memory of what we did to cause it.
Slumber is known to improve recall in creatures from fruit flies to humans, and the reigning theory among neuroscientists has been that the waves of brain activity during deep sleep reactivate neurons that were triggered during the day, strengthening neuronal connections and cementing them into solid memories.
They suggest that brain activity during slumber must weaken neural connections, not strengthen them, because strengthening would saturate the brain's circuitry and consume so much energy that the brain could not continue to encode new information.
Once many of these connections are made, the brain employs a use - it or lose - it strategy; if the organism's subsequent experiences stimulate the synapse, it will strengthen and survive.
In transcranial magnetic stimulation a magnetic coil induces electric currents in the brain that can strengthen or suppress neural connections.
What develops the brain is stimulation — the process of synaptic architecture depends on stimuli — it strengthens the connections needed and prunes those not needed.
To lay down these memories, neurons in our brains form new connections with other neurons or strengthen old ones.
The idea behind cognitive reserve is that it «strengthens the muscles» of the brain, fostering improved connections between brain neurons and an increased ability to compensate for dysfunction in the brain.
Nicotine appears to cause addiction by strengthening the excitatory connections on the neurons that make dopamine, which are found in the Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA) of the brain reward center.
One significant upside of the training technique is that it can target specific connections in the brain that need strengthening, Imamizu said.
In a study published in the journal Neuron, researchers at the Gladstone Institutes reveal how tau disrupts the ability of brain cells to strengthen connections with other brain cells, preventing new memories from forming.
There was another study done which gives additional support to that research, which concluded that in adults aged between 60 - 90, walking for half an hour four days per week for twelve consecutive weeks can strengthen the connectivity in a region in the brain where weakened connections have been related to memory loss.
Scientists have long known that the adult brain is surprisingly plastic — we can strengthen synaptic connections through repetition, for example, to improve our memory.
Blue light is able to strengthen the connection between areas of the brain involved with emotion and language.
«There are a lot of pathways that still need to be explored, but basically, we can conclude that bringing focus and attention to the present moment and really exercising that non-judgmental attention [through mindfulness] seems to strengthen connections in the brain and then result in this kind of re-regulation of the body,» says Lindsay.
«What we found is after the mindfulness retreat, the activity in the prefrontal cortex region was more connected with this default mode network so the neural connections in the brain were strengthened between this executive function attention region and the default mode network at rest.
«When an adult responds appropriately and consistently to a baby or young child with eye contact, words, or gestures, it builds and strengthens neural connections that form the foundation of brain architecture,» says Jack Shonkoff, director of the Center on the Developing Child and one of the scientific advisors to Vroom!
«OMA is not only opening up children to the beauty of the world, it's also strengthening connections in the brain,» says Sheila Govern, principal of Lyons Elementary School.
Just as non-human pals strengthen our social skills and connection, cats and dogs also offer furry, friendly comfort and social bonding to people suffering from Alzheimer's and other forms of brain - destroying dementia.
Like learning a new language, learning how to play an instrument has a proven impact on brain development, showing that «learning to play a musical instrument not only increases grey matter volume in various brain regions, but can also strengthen the long - range connections between them» and that» musical training also enhances verbal memory, spatial reasoning, and literacy skills».
When a baby feels unhappy or stressed a lot of the time, or has little stimulation (like not being touched, noticed or talked to very much) the connections in the brain that react to stress are strengthened.
Brain scans show teenage brain development, where important connections in the brain are strengthBrain scans show teenage brain development, where important connections in the brain are strengthbrain development, where important connections in the brain are strengthbrain are strengthened.
Early childhood educators understand how important music is in making and strengthening connections in young children's brains, but the imagine.magazine gives them so much more practical advice and suggestions.
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