Sentences with phrase «strenuous effort in»

However, taking a closer look at the publisher's strenuous effort in publication, I try to understand their message sent to authors and why their resources could benefit them for a hefty price.

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«58 Literary critic Walter Ong makes a similar complaint: «It is no accident that the most strenuous corporate technological effort which man has ever made coincides in fact with the activity which earlier man often jokingly imagined to be the most playful... shooting the moon.
Science and reason on the other hand have improved the human condition, despite religion's strenuous effort to throttle science in its cradle.
We can not without integrity espouse the eco-justice connection in the absence of strenuous individual and, corporate efforts.
Another factor in the victory for «the right to die» was a striking inability of the opposition, both religious and secular, to secure high - profile support within the cultural and political mainstream, despite strenuous efforts to do so.
These not only survived until modern times in many indigenous cultures, such as those of the New Zealand Maori and the North American Indians, but they often continued beneath the surface of the post-Axial faiths, despite strenuous efforts over the centuries to destroy them.
For those of us who have invested years of professional training in putting on the intrapsychic glasses, it usually requires strenuous effort to learn to also see people through the interpersonal - systemic glasses.
Yet the strenuous effort to live in just that way leads to a certain rigidity, insensitivity, and pride that militate against the achievement of beauty both in oneself and in others.
The #WASTENOT appeal asks supermarkets to «take responsibility for the waste that they cause in the supply chain» and to «relax their cosmetic standards for produce and to stop changing orders at the last moment», as well as making «strenuous and visible efforts to redistribute all their surplus good food to those who are in need, instead of sending it to anaerobic digestion».
A great deal of strenuous effort goes into keeping up 80 or 100 or 1,000 acres, and a couple of trigger - happy, irresponsible hunters can destroy a year's worth of work in just a minute or two.
De Blasio's strenuous efforts to discredit Harendra Singh, who pleaded guilty to bribery in a city corruption case, could factor in a separate trial of two former Republican Long Island elected officials.
Meanwhile, the media company has since published that «The station has made strenuous, but unsuccessful efforts to verify from Mr Kennedy Agyepong's claims that large sums of questionable amounts of money had been found in the former BOST CEO's personal account».
Candidates should make strenuous efforts to choose qualified, committed and sharp political hands able to tap into the character, qualities and positions of the candidate in an efficient way.
In recent years, particle physicists have made strenuous efforts to distance themselves from the Higgs boson's embarrassing «God particle» soubriquet, even as the public has embraced it.
Despite the strenuous efforts of anti-GM protestors, a field experiment was conducted, a clear result was obtained, and the scientists involved can now use this information to refine and improve their technical approaches to control aphids in crops without using insecticides.»
Generally speaking, sports that don't require long periods of strenuous physical effort, such as volleyball or baseball, are a safe bet for asthma sufferers, because they allow you to catch your breath while the ball isn't in play.
If you complete 10 such intervals three times a week for a total of 30 minutes of strenuous effort, Dr. Gibala says that «our data would indicate you'll be in pretty good shape.»
The site is 700 feet above sea level and though the climb up is strenuous, making the effort is worth it to see Austin in all of its grandeur.
Cheung understands that the machinery of repression can't reveal itself too readily, but can only be divined through her character's strenuous efforts to keep it up and running (in comparison, Leung plays the Mr. Nice Guy act a little too broadly at times).
Yet Coleman also noted that the composition of a student's peer group was more important for learning than any other school - related factor, a finding used by the Johnson and Nixon administrations to reinforce their strenuous desegregation efforts in southern states.
These skills sets are rarely found in a single individual and relying solely on internal resources to translate and localize training courses, leads to poor quality courses, delayed rollouts, and unnecessary costs — despite strenuous efforts.
Although NAEP attempts to standardize its test from one administration to the next, its efforts in this regard are more strenuous when administering the Long - Term Trend version of NAEP (LTT) than when administering the main NAEP (MAIN), upon which Ginsburg depends for his conclusions.
After many decades of strenuous effort, we have finally reached the bottom; we're now number 50 among the 50 states in per - pupil funding.
I assume though that they are based on all manufacturers being equal in their emissions, and the German manufacturers in particular have made strenuous efforts to reduce them, so that if that is the case they may not tell the whole story.
But we feel from the outset that the human characters are caught like strong swimmers in an undertow that is much stronger than their most strenuous strivings, an undertow that will take them where it will, despite their efforts.
The strenuous trek was worth the effort once we settled in a small cove to feast on a lunch of nasi jinggo while looking out to a seascape of majestic waves, green - speckled cliffs, and endless blue sky.
Strenuous efforts are being made in the marketing of the new museum to link it to all parts of the local community.
Both histories show at once the importance of race in the visual culture of the West and the ways in which, despite the strenuous efforts of many to the contrary, the result has been a hybrid creolization» (N. Mirzoeff, Bodyscape: art, modernity and the ideal figure, London and New York, 1995, p. 15).
It also reveals the portion of that budget that developed countries would consume (along the blue emissions path)-- assuming they undertake fairly strenuous mitigation efforts, sufficient to cut emissions 50 % between now and 2020, continue to reduce by 10 % annually in the ensuing decades, and then wholly eliminate emissions by 2050.
This followed strenuous lobbying efforts by some of largest oil producing non-OPEC nations in the weeks leading up to the meeting.
Sadly, in all of your strenuous efforts to avoid that question I have only been able to rule out error.
Perhaps nothing underscores its importance more than the strenuous efforts that opponents of climate action have exerted in attacking consensus.
E-mails among members of the IPCC team, revealed in the 2009 «Climategate» leak, describe their strenuous efforts to silence such critiques, often using unethical methods.
In what might be called the supra - modern marriage, strenuous efforts are made to avoid any role distinction based upon sex.
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