Sentences with phrase «stress general skills»

This bold resume design is perfect for individuals who want to stress general skills and ratings over specific company experience.

Not exact matches

The general scientific observation is that by using your vision and motor skills you temporarily captivate your brain and push stress factors to one side while you are drawing and coloring.
Stressing that technology must become an integral part of the teaching and learning process in every setting supporting the preparation of teachers, NSTA (2003) noted that general teaching skills should include the successful use of technological tools, including but not limited to computer technology, to access resources, collect and process data, and facilitate the learning of science.
Dedicated Police Officer skilled at dealing with the general public and handling high - stress situations and emotionally disturbed persons, including domestic violence and child abuse victims.
In the piping stress engineer resume sample, the applicant chose a few highly desirable skills and qualities rather than lists of more general responsibilities.
You need to ensure you are stressing your relevant skills while also adhering to a general format, like that in the art director resume sample.
Skilled at dealing with the general public and handling high - stress situations and emotionally disturbed persons.
PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY I am a 23 year veteran with the willingness to be apart of a team, where I can share my knowledge and experience.Dedicated Police Officer skilled at dealing with the general public and handling high - stress situations and emotionally disturbed persons, including domestic violence and child abuse victims.
I work with ages 15 - and enjoy teaching anger management skills, general stress management / coping / social skills and dealing with mood disorders and trauma.
Conventional ANCOVA analyses of intervention group versus control group differences on (a) protective parenting behaviors directly targeted by the intervention and (b) general child management skills, in a sample of families residing in an economically stressed rural area (n = 209), showed significant intervention effects on both measures for both mothers and fathers.
These toxic stress - induced changes in brain structure and function mediate, at least in part, the well - described relationship between adversity and altered life - course trajectories (see Fig 1).4, 6 A hyper - responsive or chronically activated stress response contributes to the inflammation and changes in immune function that are seen in those chronic, noncommunicable diseases often associated with childhood adversity, like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cirrhosis, type II diabetes, depression, and cardiovascular disease.4, 6 Impairments in critical SE, language, and cognitive skills contribute to the fractured social networks often associated with childhood adversity, like school failure, poverty, divorce, homelessness, violence, and limited access to healthcare.4, 19,58 — 60 Finally, behavioral allostasis, or the adoption of potentially maladaptive behaviors to deal or cope with chronic stress, begins to explain the association between childhood adversity and unhealthy lifestyles, like alcohol, tobacco, and substance abuse, promiscuity, gambling, and obesity.4, 6,61 Taken together, these 3 general classes of altered developmental outcomes (unhealthy lifestyles, fractured social networks, and changes in immune function) contribute to the development of noncommunicable diseases and encompass many of the morbidities associated epidemiologically with childhood adversity.4, 6
ARC has been reported to reduce children's post-traumatic stress symptoms and general mental health symptoms, as well as to increase adaptive and social skills.
Mothers of a child with autism were highly stressed and more likely to report poor or fair mental health than mothers in the general population, even after adjustment for the child's social skills and demographic background.
Measures utilized include individual emails with coded links were sent to participants to complete questionnaires or quizzes, the General Health Questionnaire 12 - item (GHQ - 12), the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS - 21), the Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills (KIMS), and the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ - II).
«A growing research base suggests that ARC leads to reduction in child posttraumatic stress symptoms and general mental health symptoms, as well as increased adaptive and social skills
I am happy to present programs on a variety of topics including healthy families, healthy relationships, communication skills, stress management, managing conflict, communicating emotions, and in general, emotional health and wellness topics.
Your general attitude and seasoned negotiating skills reduced our stress factor by 90 %.
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