Sentences with phrase «stress placed on»

Mental health services for children, adolescents and families are increasing as more people seek counseling for a range of emotional and behavioral issues, including stress placed on individuals and families due to changing economic conditions.
Arizona State University Biomedical Informatics Department assistant professor Kanav Kahol is team leader of a research project to measure the amount of stress placed on hands and wrists of individuals using multitouch electronic devices like Apple's iPad.
The impact of a New Mexico traumatic brain injury both on the victim and family is great during each of these three steps and the stress placed on friends and family can not be ignored after the rehabilitation process is complete.
The researchers at Argonne have already taken steps toward proving that ultracapacitors can provide these savings, having shown that they reduce the heat stress placed on batteries by a third.
These control methods will be used to increase the turbines» power production and efficiency and reduce the stress placed on the blades by strong winds.
That means that any stress placed on the collagen fibers in the scales by pressure or movement generates an electrical charge.
This could be due to the stress placed on ligaments from bone growth issues.
Ensuring our dogs are not having undue stress placed on their joints can ensure they live a life free of the burden of all manner of mobility problems.
Hydration reduces the stress placed on the kidneys and decreases the risk of kidney damage.
Since the water provides increased resistance, a 15 minute swim is the rough equivalent of a fast 15 minute run, but without the pounding so there's little or no stress placed on the joints.
Older dogs have more problems as the cartilage begins to degenerate and overweight pets will have more stress placed on their joints.
â $ œThe ability to work on - site with the necessary equipment and tools, rather than transporting animals as well as other evidence, will reduce the stress placed on the animals that are the innocent â $ œcollateral victimsâ $ in such situations.
It can lead to thickening of the joint capsule which decreases range of motion at the joint resulting in abnormal postures, compensation, and increased stress placed on the joint capsule.
It will reduce gunk, oil stress and corrosion, which will help decrease the stress placed on the parts inside your vehicle's engine.
However, the predominance of assessments raises multiple concerns regarding the use of class time for preparation for the test, as well as stress placed on the students.
online dating essaysEmail is an easier way to meet people because there is less stress placed on an encounter.
Minimises stress placed on the feet Motion control system improves foot
When there is strain, tension, pulling and stress placed on the child's head and neck during the birth process, it very commonly leads to a structural shift.
Repeated stress placed on the soft - tissue of the body due to overuse or inactivity may cause abnormal crosslinks and scar tissue to form in the fascia.
Continually increasing the stress placed on the muscle allows the muscle to increase its strength and prevents stagnation.
This magical combination results in relieving muscular tightness and reducing the physical stress placed on bones and joints.
Flattening of the arch of your foot can place you at increased risk of developing Achilles tendonitis because of the extra stress placed on your Achilles tendon when walking or running.
When exercising there is stress placed on the bones that results in a lot of microscopic fractures.
Therefore water is a necessary tool in helping lower your blood pressure and normalising your heart rate, taking away more of the stress placed on your body.
Make sure that you do not allow your arms to fall below bench level as this also increases the stress placed on the rotator cuff.
Taking butter and margarine out of the diet is a great way to reduce the oxidative stress placed on our systems.
The «afterburn effect» refers to the number of calories your body burns after a workout as it rests and recovers from the stress you placed on your body during exercise.
The stress placed on your system causes a reaction from your body to produce more testosterone and growth hormone.
If you read their article you'll see that one study found that trying to restrict the movement of the forward knee can increase the stress placed on the hips significantly (when doing squats).
Progressive overload is the process of increasing stress placed on the body by either lifting gradually heavier weights, increasing reps, sets or reducing rest periods.
The only way to get bigger and stronger is to gradually increase the stress placed on your muscles during training.
When your body successfully regulates your blood pressure, your heart rate stabilizes, enabling you to help manage the stress placed on your body when you're training and recovering afterward.
Carrying a bag closer to the body will reduce the amount of sway and stress placed on the spinal muscles.
This way you'll lessen the stress placed on the connective tissues while maximizing muscle stimulation.
Also, since your upper body is fully supported, the amount of stress placed on your lower back is reduced drastically.
Columbia Engineering researchers have found that, to the contrary, vegetation plays a dominant role in Earth's water cycle and that plants will regulate and dominate the increasing stress placed on continental water resources in the future.
Understand stress placed on muscles particular to the sport (pitching arm, knees, etc.) and target exercises to those areas.
Smaller crystals of rock are more vulnerable to deformation, and the shear stress placed on the rocks during the bending and twisting of subduction tends to metamorphose the rocks and reduce the crystal sizes, increasing their vulnerability.
It cost $ 2 million to house the families in Staten Island, but Matteo and Oddo called on the city to end the program because of the stress it placed on homeless children that required services local schools didn't have.
This burden, especially during pregnancy, is expressed in the extra stress placed on her body.
At all times, the baby should be moved and handled gently to avoid stress placed on the nervous system, developing spine and brain.
The most important thing is to minimize the stress placed on your baby's tummy.
The authors of the paper hypothesize that the correlation between high wedding and engagement ring costs and divorce may have to do with financial stress placed on brides and grooms who are determined to have the perfect day, whether or not they can actually afford it.
The TwinGo helps to strengthen core muscles in parents and caretakers while properly redistributing the weight to the hips and minimizing the stress placed on the upper body.
Moreover, Puritanism may have contributed (or did contribute) as much to a renewed interest in «collectivism» in the law, considering the stress it placed on the covenant, on the «contractualism» it posited between man and God or man and man.
They warned, several on the basis of personal experience, that participating in executions can exact a «severe toll on corrections officers» wellbeing» and that by doing so many so quickly Arkansas was «needlessly exacerbating the strain and stress placed on these officers».
The complaint warns that the intense stress placed on the execution team, and the lack of a pause between killings to allow for review, will heighten the risk of the inmates suffering unconstitutional cruel and unusual punishment as they die.
At the other end of the spectrum, Orthodoxy's revival is at least partly indicative of the same trend, namely the stress it places on Judaism as a religion and a way of life.
If athletes just play without any consideration for counteracting the stresses placed on their bodies, not only will their performance suffer, but so will their bodies.
The negative energy and / or stress you place on yourself is not worth it and is counterproductive to your health.
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