Sentences with phrase «stress via exercise»

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That means impairments in blood flow were visible via cardiac imaging under the stress of exercise.
Lots of ways: eat sugars and flours that raise the blood sugar levels above normal; eat Trans Fats; eat, breath, wear, or slather on chemicals that go right to the blood stream; or flood your blood stream with Cortisol (your stress hormone), as opposed to «managing» your stress via your mind, exercise, yoga, meditation, etc..
- A woman is stressed out via the typical HA pathways — caloric restriction, excess exercise, and stress — so her pituitary hormones decrease in potency.
A possible reason for the alleviation of the athlete's symptoms in this case study (gastrointestinal distress, fatigue, hunger, and menstrual complaints) in response to the implementation of the exercise and dietary recommendations may relate to the removal of physiological stress on the HPA axis, stemming largely via the improved whole body fat oxidation rates.
Solid programs include targeted efforts to reduce the likelihood of injury via means like mobility warm - ups, supplemental stretching recommendations, specific progressions, fluctuations in training stress, and alternative exercises («plan B») in case you aren't quite ready to execute «Plan A.» For me personally, I attribute a lot of my progress to the fact that at one point, I actually went over eight years without missing a planned lift.
Solid programs include targeted efforts to reduce the likelihood of injury via means like mobility warm - ups, supplemental stretching recommendations, specific progressions, fluctuations in training stress, and alternative exercises («plan B») in case you aren't quite ready to execute «Plan A.»
Solid programs include targeted efforts to reduce the likelihood of injury via means like mobility warm - ups, supplemental stretching recommendations, specific progressions, fluctuations in training stress, and alternative exercises («plan B») in case you aren't quite ready to execute «Plan A.» Continue reading →
Her goal is to guide owners towards a total health program including diet, exercise, improved energy flow via body / energy work, removal of stress and toxins, as well as addressing emotions and stress.
Chief Justice Carmody stressed the usefulness of «acquiring knowledge from active participation and observation as well as passive attendance; that is by doing as well as seeing and listening» and noted, in part, «The development of best practice methods of explaining how the law works is an ongoing challenge, but clinical legal study via simulation exercises and the like is growing in popularity.»
This finding suggests that adding exercise to routine pharmacotherapy can significantly improve all the affective, cognitive and somatic symptoms of depression particularly via decreasing the stress rate.
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