Sentences with phrase «stressed mice»

Their experiment on stressed mice revealed that probiotic supplements could boost the immune system of the gut against infection.
The work, published today (October 19) in PNAS, shows that simultaneously injecting nine miRNAs into mouse zygotes recapitulates the changes found in the offspring of stressed mice.
When faced with an alarming predator odor, offspring of chronically stressed mice dads overproduce the stress hormone corticosterone.
Her team took purified extracts of the miRNA from stressed mice and injected them into normal embryos.
«Stressed mouse dads give their offspring high blood sugar.»
In the current study, authors made an advancement and investigated the effect of octacosanol on sleep regulation in mildly stressed mice by oral administration.
Behavioral Characterization and Pharmacological Validation of Chronic Social Defeat Stress Mouse Model I. MORGANSTERN, S. DAVIS, K. HOMA, E. SABATH, T. HANANIA... Abstract / Posters
In experiments, researchers stressed the mice by exposing them to daily, unpredictable bouts of cage tilting, altered dark - light cycles, confinement in tight spaces and other conditions mice dislike with the goal of reproducing the sort of stressful experiences thought to be a primary cause of depression in humans.
In stressed mice there is a dramatic rise in the activity of certain genes in the nervous system — as if these rodents» brains had set in motion a set of protective measures to cope with the trauma.
Repeated SFN administration reverses depression — and anxiety - like behaviors in chronically stressed mice, likely by inhibiting the hypothalamic - pituitary - adrenal (HPA) axis and inflammatory responses to stress (R, R).
Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania led by Tracy Bale have now demonstrated that an increase in a group of microRNAs (miRNAs) in sperm from stressed mice can lead to altered stress response in adult offspring.
For instance, Evan's blue, a dye that stains the cellular protein albumin, penetrates the brain 10 times more efficiently in stressed mice than in unstressed mice.
According to the report, in the December issue of Nature Medicine, increased blood flow in the stressed mice would account for only a fraction of the increase in permeability.
They then examined the responses of a specific population of cells, specifically CRH neurons which control the brain's response to stress, in each mouse, which revealed that networks in the brains of both the stressed mouse and naïve partner were altered in the same way.
The study's lead author, Toni - Lee Sterley, a postdoctoral associate in Bains» lab said, «What was remarkable was that CRH neurons from the partners, who were not themselves exposed to an actual stress, showed changes that were identical to those we measured in the stressed mice
The researchers found the loss of acetyl groups from histones is key to the development of anxiety - and depression - like behaviors in stressed mice.
They found that the offspring of these stressed mice showed reduced release of corticosterone in response to being restrained in a tube, a phenomenon called reduced hypothalamic - pituitary - adrenal stress axis responsivity.
Moreover, the stressed mice's gray hairs and the cell populations in their follicles were indistinguishable from those of elderly mice, suggesting that genotoxic stress might drive natural graying as well.
When born, mice injected with the miRNAs had the same abnormal behaviour as the stressed mice, whereas those injected with control RNA didn't, coming close to proving that the miRNAs transmitted the abnormal behaviour.
Mansuy found the same unusual molecules in the «children» and «grandchildren» of the stressed mice, and found broadly the same behaviours too.
She took purified extracts of the miRNA from stressed mice and injected them into normal mouse embryos.
Behaviourally, the stressed mice end up more daring yet more despairing than normal mice.
Analyzing the stressed mice in more detail, the researchers found that the hearts from previously infected mice had impaired ability to re-arrange their heart blood vessels and grow new ones.
It's a great measure of how scared or stressed a mouse is, and can be used to test fear responses.
Fecal samples showed the stressed mice had less diversity of gut bacteria than calmer mice who had not been subjected to stress.
When they fed the stressed mice the same live bacteria found in the guts of the calm mice, the stressed mice immediately began to calm down.
Once the stressed mice were fed the same probiotics found in the calm mice, however, their behavior improved and continued to improve over the next several weeks.
But researchers found the stressed mice on the high - fat, high - sugar diet developed more body fat than the unstressed mice fed the same diet.
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