Sentences with phrase «stressful day in»

It's a fitting sophomore effort from writer - director Trey Edward Shults, whose devastating debut feature, Krisha, chronicled one very stressful day in the life of a recovering addict and grandmother visiting her estranged family.
Pressed about the incident after the debate earlier this month, Grimm said that he apologized to the reporter and that he made a mistake after a stressful day in Congress.
It can also be pretty stressful day in and day out.
Indulge in the ultimate relaxation after a stressful day in our cozy rooms and grab a cocktail at our Complimentary Evening Reception.
«After long, stressful days in the office, it's easy to go home stuck in work mode.

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But take another look after a good night's sleep and keep in mind that you may have just had an extremely stressful day.
«Pausing to take a little bit of time to reflect on those contributions that we make every day even once a week is enough to strengthen our ability to focus and to invest effort in what otherwise might be a difficult and stressful job.»
Median Salary: $ 42,250 There's no question that running into a burning building is stressful, and yet these men and women choose to do it whenever is necessary — be it 3 in the morning or Christmas Day.
Weddings are both a joyous family affair and a tangle of moving parts — perhaps it's the stress of making sure one Trump - voting aunt won't be seated next to a Democratic in - law, or rerouting those flowers from the wrong location on the big day — that make the event notoriously stressful for both brides and grooms.
It took a stressful 45 days to finally sell the same property in 2017.
It is another matter that in this day and age most men can hardly afford to maintain even one wife and her kids... but that is due to the stressful lifestyle and economic realities of today... nothing against polygamy that worked perfectly in the past and was a positive for the society.
In the middle of a stressful work day, there's an opportunity for me to encourage a colleague at work.
I wouldn't say my mornings are stressful at all, just focused 100 % on my son and getting him out the door:) My ideal morning would be waking up without an alarm and immediately hitting the yoga mat, stretching, playing my singing bowl, tuning in to where I'm at, and setting intentions for the day.
This spared «decisional power» can be particularly handy at the end of a stressful work day, helping you walk by that lovely ice cream parlour without feeling compelled to run in and grab a banana split.
I'll be honest, having run up to labour at a fast pace in a slightly stressful environment with a house that was still a building site from a long overdue reno project as we left... a long night's sleep and nothing happening for a day wasn't sad.
I love it in the late afternoon or after a long stressful day when I'm craving more coffee and don't want the hit of caffeine.
I treat my staff as family; we are together 12 to 14 hours a day in an already stressful industry.
When done in the right way, a detox can be a delicious, easy way to lose fat, feel lighter on your feet and gain the vitality and energy you need to face even the most stressful of days.
In a former life, I was on the road for work nearly 10 days every month and I'll never forget one stressful Italian dinner with my bosses.
Last few days have been stressful and busy and lost in paperwork.
I hated every single customer, in the special way only a 20 - year - old creative writing major can hate people who are moderately bougie and just want a Long Island Iced Tea after a long day at a moderately stressful office job.
The window has been officially open three days... Chin up buddy, got a feeling you're in for a stressful few months
I am really lucky this year in that I still get to be involved in the squash club and play BUCS matches, but unfortunately I am not eligible for Varsity although, it might be good being a spectator, I always found the actual day intensely stressful!
After a stressful day on the pitch from intense consumption of energy, there are other activities that football players enjoy doing in their free time.
Even if conditions in the children's homes are chaotic and stressful, Educare's directors believe, the large dose of responsive care they experience each day at the center will allow them to transcend the potential ill effects of that instability.
In the middle of a very busy, slightly stressful, energetic day, I found this small simple sweet sunny moment of bliss.
There are many folks that work in offices, glued to a computer screen all day and this can be stressful for your eyes.
Basically I have the kids in the day and work in the evenings, which generally means I am never on top of the washing and cleaning and its all quite stressful.
I had a long, stressful delivery that resulted in an emergency c - section, a tongue tie revision on day 2, followed by 48 hours in NICU.
In some infants, the first few days or weeks of life may be stressful for a variety of reasons, and they may be in a higher sympathetic statIn some infants, the first few days or weeks of life may be stressful for a variety of reasons, and they may be in a higher sympathetic statin a higher sympathetic state.
In fact, it can be really stressful, and it can also cause you to start neglecting your beauty routine because you simply don't have enough hours in a day to take of yourself and your familIn fact, it can be really stressful, and it can also cause you to start neglecting your beauty routine because you simply don't have enough hours in a day to take of yourself and your familin a day to take of yourself and your family.
Christmas is closing in on us every day, and it's not the only stressful day of the year quilters have to prepare for.
That said, today has been really stressful with both of them (they're finally both asleep in the car — we're parked up in our drive and Ophelia's on me) but it doesn't even nearly compare to the stress of Talitha's newborn days.
Whether your teen doesn't understand geometry or missed a few days of school and is having trouble keeping up in science, falling behind can be really stressful.
It seems to me that the description in that blog is very stressful and far more stressful than if they had put their children in some sort of day care.
It is often very stressful for a new mom to get out of the house in the early days to get help with breastfeeding.
Everyone experiences stressful days at work, but how we respond to them makes a significant difference in work performance, the quality of our interactions, and how we feel both physically and mentally.
From blissful days to stressful days, and all the days in between, we nourish every kind of happy.
Sometimes, we give in to temptation after a long, stressful day.
Natural shifts in the day can also be stressful and result in a wide variety of protesting strategies from toddlers.
In this stage of development, teething symptoms are usually stressful for the baby and the parents and even for the whole family at home, since babies who experience teething symptoms often wake up in irregular hours of the day or in the middle of nighIn this stage of development, teething symptoms are usually stressful for the baby and the parents and even for the whole family at home, since babies who experience teething symptoms often wake up in irregular hours of the day or in the middle of nighin irregular hours of the day or in the middle of nighin the middle of night.
But yeah I just kind of need to figure out because I, you know work can be stressful enough to have a fair commute, and I would actually have to add time into my workday to fit in the pumping's during the day and that would take time away from my daughter at night and I really don't want to do that.
A 2008 study published in the journal Infant Behavior Development showed that among a small randomized group of preterm infants, massage therapy over a period of five days reduced stressful behaviors observed in those infants.
Or not... but in either case, lots of visitors in the early days / weeks of parenthood can be exhausting and stressful.
So many women would say that they end a strenuous, stressful day with a long, warm soak in the tub.
So, if the child goes through highly stressful events every day because of conflicts in the family, between parents or siblings, they are vulnerable to developing an anxiety disorder.
Bedtime can be one of the most stressful times of the day, especially in the early months before your baby can sleep through the night.
The change in routine is also difficult for some children, and being away from home all day can be stressful.
This is difficult even during in - person visit in the family home — let alone at stressful in - hospital visits the day after a long birth, or awkward office visits where mom is already struggling to tend to her baby in public — so the idea that some online reader could possibly tell the difference is a little crazy!
So then — you know much less stressful trying to pack in that third pumping session during the work day.
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