Sentences with phrase «stretch their legs without»

Use them to stretch your legs without effort
There is room to stretch your legs without leaving your seat but, if you find your space a little confining, you can make your way to the Lounge or Snack Car (though not all trains have these).
It lets you stretch you legs without too much danger.

Not exact matches

my own leg cramps recently got so bad I could no longer stretch my legs out in bed at all (or turn them a certain way, or sit in certain positions) without them cramping.
Without the confines of the academic season sporting schedule, we can stretch our legs and find stories about high schoolers whose sports rarely find a spotlight from September to June.
We stand while shoving a sandwich into our mouths with a baby on our boob, we run to the toilet only to have our toddler standing their talking to us, we shave our legs in less than two minutes while missing a few hairs near our ankles due to the quick nature of our shaving, we brush our teeth without flossing most of the time because we are so tired we can't bare the thought of stretching out our teeth routine any longer then it has to be.
This winter I discovered Baby Legs, baby leg warmers that stretch up to baby's thighs without needing to cover the diaper.
I am sure you will agree that airport food and drinks are never cheap, booking the airport lounge means that your little one can stretch their legs before the long flight without fear of them disappearing into crowds of people in the airport.
In 2013, with the Kyoto and LCA negotiating tracks no longer defining the main focus for negotiations, the context for the ADP is dramatically different than it was a year ago, free to stretch its legs and begin to chart a way forward without being accused of prejudging decisions taking place in the other negotiating tracks.
This is also to advise all the girls who would stretch their legs open to any rich filthy person they meet without giving qualms about the source of the money of the person.
For a strong stretch through the back of the leg, grab closer towards the ankle without bending the knee.
In the first variation, with your back against the wall, you can experience the shape of the pose without having to struggle to keep your balance; in the second variation, you'll focus on the stretch of the torso and top leg in opposite directions.
When you practice Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide - Legged Standing Forward Bend), the aim is to fold forward from the hips so that you can stretch your hamstrings without straining your back.
Without disturbing your left leg, stretch and raise the right leg until it forms a 60 - degree angle to the floor.
A simple standing twist with a chair and Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes Pose) would be good options for stretching it since they place your leg into flexed / adducted position without the external rotation element, which is milder for piriformis.
It's the perfect combination of stretching, meditation, and hip / leg / thigh / arm work out without being strenuous on the preggo body.
It goes without saying that you have to perform the exercise on both legs and please remember to take deep slow breaths as you hold the stretch.
My thighs are 22 inches and my calves are 13,5 and I do endurance running and I've been stretching but I've wanted to be a-model since I was like 4, and I don't know what I should be eating or doing to get lean legs without bulky muscles.
Poses like Virabhadrasana 2, Utthita Parsvakonasana and versions of clam shell will contract the piriformis, while simple standing twist with a chair and Ardha Matsyendrasana would be good options for stretching it (since they place your leg into flexed / adducted position without the external rotation element, which is milder for piriformis).
Doing certain dynamic stretches such as leg swings and high - knee - hip - rolls (or high - knee hip abduction) will do wonders for allowing you to get the most of our workout without putting extra stress on your body and thus helping to prevent injury.
Designed to keep you cool and dry during your more sweat - inducing workouts, these Adidas leggings are made with a hefty amount of elastane to keep you moving and stretching in any direction, without compromising on comfort.
These polyester / spandex leggings have a ton of stretch without sacrificing coverage.
They're tight without veering into legging territory, they make the best of my rectangle butt, they stretch to accomodate weight fluctuations, and like most black jeans, they're neutral enough to wear over and over again.»
Fabricated from a lightweight fabric with just a hint of stretch for comfort, these trousers are set to a super wide - leg cut which offers style without compromising on comfort.
a filmmaking exercise from someone eager to stretch his legs, do something goofy, and experiment, all of which Soderbergh does without losing his audience
Yet, as director Doug Liman («The Bourne Identity») correctly recognizes, the audience probably wouldn't get through even the film's fleeting 90 minutes without some flashy narrative diversion — a viewing opportunity to stretch our legs, so to speak.
To help calm kids without changing your existing seating, fidget bands (Amazon, $ 17) are a widely used, low - cost alternative that allow students to bounce or stretch their legs while sitting at a more traditional desk or chair.
Try sitting at your office desk for hour after hour without stretching your legs or getting a cup of coffee.
Extremely comfortable, and I am a very tall man, and I could easily drive long stretches without feeling I needed to get out to stretch my legs.
This latter is important, because the i - TRIL has no pedals, enabling the driver to stretch out their legs in comfort, and wear whatever style of footwear they choose without risk of losing control of the vehicle.
The Range Rover SVAutobiography Dynamic offers a fine balance between tackling the off - road trails with all the modern electronics without compromising on the luxury aspect, while the Maybach lets you stretch your legs on those long distance highway runs.
You can also stretch your legs out without any trouble in the front seats.
The crate size should be just big enough for your Maltipoo to turn around easily, stretch out her legs while lying down and sit up without hitting her head on the top.
He should be able to completely stretch out in his cage and stand up on his hind legs without bumping his head on the top of the cage.
He's the dog we began telling you about three months ago when your Rancho Coastal Humane Society raised funds to pay for a surgery that would stretch a bone in his leg so he could walk without pain.
Ideally the puppy should have room for a super-comfy bed and a water bowl, whilst being able to stand up without banging his head, turn around, and lie down with his legs stretched out.
You have enough space to stretch your legs, you can stand up and stretch your body, you can go to the bathroom without having to ask the passenger next to you to stand up.
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