Sentences with phrase «strict diet for»

You exercise frequently and have followed a strict diet for the past decade.
She is currently on a strict diet for health reasons and may only have certain food.
He's fine but he's still on a strict diet for the foreseeable future.
I've been on the strict diet for about a month and two weeks, have done 3 weeks of Natures Sunshine candida clear antifungals and am now doing a candida cleanse with caprilic oil, liquid bentonite clay and psyllium hulls two times a day.
I have been eating a strict diet for the last seven years.
I srarted on a strict diet for 2 years now after i had a sleeve operation i lost all my extra weight (i was 130 kgs) now i workout cardio mostly n running every day for an hour i watch my food and my fitness pal advises me to 1200 calories per day which i usually do nt take bec i cant eat much.
I haven't had any for years and have stuck to a super organic / strict diet for the most part.
The «reversal diet «is a more strict diet for people who have diagnosed heart disease or high cholesterol levels.
Afterwards, they continue their strict diet for a couple of days and then again start overeating.
Plan to follow a strict diet for a few months beyond your negative SIBO test, and make sure your motility is optimized first.
My doctor prescribed powerful acid reflux medication and told me to stick to the strict diet for a bit longer while the medication (hopefully) helped me heal.
Peanut allergy sufferers must follow a strict diet for their entire lives and carry emergency medication with them at all times.
My husband is also in a SUPER strict diet for medical reasons due to a bad reaction to a flu shot.
I commend this, despite the fact that she'll still be on the strict diet for our family's Thanksgiving feast.
My son has recently started a strict diet for health reasons.

Not exact matches

Turns out that famous booty and those abs are the results of hard, hard work, including a strict diet and fitness regimen that doesn't have room for coffee, alcohol, processed food, or skipping sunscreen.
I'm on a strict diet right now, long story on that one which I will relay here soon — but I picked these veggie packs from Omaha Steaks plus a few nice steaks for my son, which worked fine for cooking over a campfire.
Brady has a famously strict diet, consisting of plenty of all - natural and whole foods and excluding foods like tomatoes and peppers for fear of bloating.
For example, the gal who makes fun of herself for being a nerd when she really wants to draw attention to the fact that she's smart or the guy who makes fun of himself for having a strict diet when he really wants you to know how healthy and fit he For example, the gal who makes fun of herself for being a nerd when she really wants to draw attention to the fact that she's smart or the guy who makes fun of himself for having a strict diet when he really wants you to know how healthy and fit he for being a nerd when she really wants to draw attention to the fact that she's smart or the guy who makes fun of himself for having a strict diet when he really wants you to know how healthy and fit he for having a strict diet when he really wants you to know how healthy and fit he is.
It's so amazing to be able to make stuff this good thats also healthy, esp for people like me who have autoimmune disease and have to keep to a strict diet, and often feel like we're missing out... But not anymore!
Next week I'm going to a new nutritionist that I've been recommended, in order to check my thyroids levels, and also»cause I'm afraid of not having enough nutrients or vitamins «cause the new diet for the bowel syndrome that my digestive system doctor has ordered me is pretty strict and I'm afraid it might lack some things.
I've been teaching yoga now for about 3 years, and as a yoga teacher people always always ask about my diet... I'm not entirely sure why, but anyway, they always expect me to come out with a strict label like vegan / vegetarian, so I for a while I kinda felt embarrassed in a way to tell them otherwise.
For us, it's just a stricter version of the diet we have already adhered to for the last few yeaFor us, it's just a stricter version of the diet we have already adhered to for the last few yeafor the last few years.
For strict gluten - free diets, make sure to use gluten - free oats.
It's good practice to always check your ingredients for animal byproducts if you're practicing a strict vegan diet.
If you test negative for the strict criteria for celiac disease, but still can not tolerate gluten, there is no harm in keeping to a gluten - free diet.
Supplements can be very helpful and also allow you to eat a bit more foods so you don't have to be so strict (like some gluten like oats, rye and spelt) which allows us to keep with the diet for longer.
I subbed maple syrup for the honey as I am following a strict fodmap diet... and added some orange peel along with the cranberries.
This sweetener was a life saver for our family when on such a strict diet.
Though to a degree that was to be expected as it was the same when I followed a strict candida diet for 30 days a year ago.
GIG's research gave important insight into the efficacy of the gluten - removal process for beer and whether the process is sufficient for people who need to adhere to a strict gluten - free diet.
My son and I are newly on strict diets, and your veggie ideas are easy enough for someone still sick to do....
I am on a rather strict diet, for health reasons, but I'm thinking I'm going to splurge on this on my upcoming «feast day,» which will be my birthday.
Like me, she has celiac disease and has followed a strict gluten - free diet for years.
My first professional cooking job was creating lowfat vegan recipe for a cooking school run by a doctor who ate an extremely strict diet, a la John McDougall (a notch more extreme than Dean Ornish).
So, I can confirm these muffins to be an excellent substitution for those on strict diet yearning to enjoy a muffin every now and then.
You can follow a strict diet based on fruit and vegetable juices for a week or two.
Just be sure to omit the goat cheese crumbles for following a strict dairy - free diet.
Whether you have a weakness for the holiday treats at work, your schedule is booked with boozy social events, or you follow a strict diet that tends to be monotonous, you can make the art of healthy eating easier with these mindful eating tips.
He followed a strict grain - free diet for several years which helped heal his gut.
When you are on a strict gluten - free diet, however, even «lower gluten» foods like sourdough bread are completely off - limits, but last Sunday, I got to taste sourdough bread for the first time in 11 years.
There are other less strict form of the diet, such as modified Atkins (MAD) that use common measurements, but again... the recipes on this site are intended for those on the classical form of the ketogenic diet for epilepsy.
Hi Mary, I am able to eat all nuts and am so thankful, because so many other foods are off limits for me since I'm on a strict grain - free diet!
The strict AIP diet exludes the following ingredients listed in this recipe: cocoa (even though carob is allowed the recipe should mention that aip should omit for this), peppermint and vanilla extract (as they contain alcohol), stevia and xylitol.
My naturopathic doctor put me on a very strict anti-inflammatory diet for my allergies and I've been pulling my hair out trying to find recipes that actually contain ingredients I'm allowed to eat!
Be sure to look for that label if you are on a strict gluten - free diet.
VEGGIE ELITE IS IDEAL FOR MANY: From athletes at any level to those who follow a strict plant - based diet regimen, especially those who are unable to tolerate egg, milk or soy proteins due to allergies or undesirable gastrointestinal side effects.
Especially calories, I am on a very strict diet and calorie count is crucial for me ight now.
At this time the only treatment for coeliac disease is a strict gluten free diet for life, including care with cross contamination.
For one I've been on a strict liquid diet so it's been all taro smoothie or spinach breakfast smoothie every morning.
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