Sentences with phrase «strictly confined»

And if, Jelbring's proposed thickness of the atmosphere involved, is greater than, the gas won't even be in contact with the upper surface anyway, it will be strictly confined to a height less than because that is the height where the absolute temperature, concentration, and pressure of the lapsed gas reaches zero.
Within and strictly confined to the contentsand explicit implications of the David Rose piece in the Daily Mail, what parsimonious and sufficient explanation do you propose that exceeds the parsimony of my comments on those contents?
«In traditional «normal» science, the peer community, performing the functions of quality - assurance and governance, is strictly confined to the researchers who share the paradigm. . .
Sizzling chipolatas should remain strictly confined to the BBQ.
My 2 year old active terrier is strictly confined to a crate but my 7 year old pit just lays around the living room.
Walk on leash only as long as needed to eliminate, and keep strictly confined the rest of the time.
Immiticide (fast kill) Standard treatment with Immiticide consists of giving two injections 24 hours apart, then keeping the dog strictly confined for the next four to six weeks.
These dogs should be muzzled and leashed when off the owner's property and strictly confined when on the owner's property.
The Cat Nap Inn suites and townhouses make an incredible difference in kitty's attitude, as they don't feel bored or strictly confined, like they may feel in small cages.
This is a film composed exclusively of simplistic potshots and walking clichés, its humor strictly confined to the lowest - common denominator in both content and execution.
The origin of Wong's filmmaking may be Hong Kong but his films can not be categorically contained or strictly confined to a culturally specific consumer.
Storylines aren't strictly confined to the court, the locker room and class, but extend beyond school grounds to follow events in players» lives, in their homes and on the streets.
(In all fairness, he also emphasized to his most impressionable fans that it was all play - acting, and that his homicidal tendencies were strictly confined to the screen.)
It is important to note that many of these mainstream rituals were strictly confined to heterosexual dating.
It will study the effects of space radiation on DNA and will be strictly confined to a platform on the station run by NanoRacks, the company that Chinese researchers have contracted to run the experiment.
The theme of energy security risks accentuating the divide between supporters of a global NATO and those for an Alliance strictly confined to its traditional missions.
When the sides met in January, his remit was strictly confined to the flanks and there was an aimlessness to his crossing borne out by the fact he completed just 40 percent of his attempted passes.
He has pointed out that a theology which is strictly confined to the world of «here and now can not take account of the ultimate questions which men must ask, whereas every sound Christian theology is required indeed to speak of that «here and now», but to relate it to God as a creative principle and to see God at work in the immediacies of human existence in the whole range of what we style «secular existence».
He also notes that the consumption of services has grown more weakly than goods consumption in recent months, suggesting that questions about the economy's strength are not strictly confined to declining industrial production.
Once your pet goes home after a heartworm treatment, you will need to strictly confine it for another month to prevent fragments of the dead adult heartworms from obstructing blood vessels in the lungs.

Not exact matches

Fifth, it is a violation of love to center one's whole attention upon and confine one's interest to the strictly physical, without concern for wider personal context and social implications.
By keeping the animals in a confined space, the farmers are able to strictly their diet in a way that encourages each cow to produce as much milk as possible.
And why then, if carnal attention alone is all men really want from extracurricular sex, do men not confine themselves strictly to sex workers with no emotional attachment, rather than pursue single and married women who are not sex workers?
Confine them to net activity and video games that are largely self - contained, or that strictly limit the range of social interactions available.
He goes on to mention that Bac - Out is often confined strictly to the natural sections of household cleaners.
Consequently, rather than confining them strictly to the pet aisle, these products are appropriately merchandised in a number of areas throughout the store, such as with the household cleaners.
«If your veterinarian is reasonably sure this is strictly behavioral, you may try confining the cat to a small room, such as a bathroom, with the litter box on one side and food and water bowls on the other,» Seksel suggests.
Besides those two, Microsoft has kept mainline Halo confined strictly to its consoles.
There is a mutual fascination between the two fields, and yet it seems that the art world would prefer to keep its consorting with the fashion industry confined strictly to social events, rather than consider fashion (so low - brow!)
The vignette is organically arranged, not strictly adhering to a grid yet the works are confined within square and rectangle frames or vitrines.
I'd like to confine comments on this post strictly to fundraising and other expressions of support.
If such a power was open - ended, not coloured and confined by moderate procedural sanctions for breach, it was likely to be regarded by the courts as an attempt to infringe privilege as such; and that would be unlawful unless strictly authorised by express provision or necessary implication in primary legislation.
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