Sentences with phrase «strikes leaving you vulnerable»

Not exact matches

Trump has hinted at a preference for military options, although a strike on North Korea could leave close U.S. ally South Korea vulnerable to North Korean military retaliation.
He left a couple balls up, strayed in the strike zone every so often and occasionally looked vulnerable.
McNair makes a bad tackle, badly timed, where he leaves the floor and uses force, striking the vulnerable spot just above the ankle.
I can understand that each of these fringe players could do with the regular game time they would probably not get if they stayed in north London but taken altogether it strikes me that we may have left ourselves a little threadbare and vulnerable to any more injury problems that might crop up over the course of the season (and we all know that Arsenal and injuries go together like peaches and cream).
«Entire communities are being left vulnerable to dangerous sexual predators who often strike more than once,» said Klein, a Bronx Democrat, in a statement.
Set to the sort of dated rock soundtrack characteristic of»80s action - movie montages, or perhaps a traffic school instructional tape, the video shared some of the sport's history and explained its core techniques, such as the clinch, in which fighters wrap their hands around the back of their opponent's neck, leaving the opponent vulnerable to knee strikes to the body and head.
The light strike button can also be held down in order to unleash a special move which disrupts enemies shields or defensive stances, leaving them vulnerable to attack for a few precious seconds.
I'd also like to point out a very serious flaw that comes of teaming up with your fellow Technomancer: her attacks frequently effect you as well, tossing you backwards or interrupting your own strikes, leaving you vulnerable.
Bound allows you to strike the opponent to the ground and leave them vulnerable to a new hit or combo while bouncing.
High attacks tend to be powerful, but leave you more vulnerable, medium stance is a balance that's good for defending, and low stance focuses on fast, light strikes and maneuverability.
You can also charge forward for quick attacks, swinging your fists and occasionally launching your opponent in the air, leaving them vulnerable for a quick air strike.
I find this preferable to a malthusian approach with malthusian experts deciding what boundaries should be imposed on us in order to acheave a sustainable stasis that could leave us more vulnerable to things like asteriod strikes or Yellowstone going off.
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