Sentences with phrase «string pieces of the game»

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The ability to gather a wide range of abstract informational pieces, and then string them together to identify a trend or investment opportunity is invaluable if you want to remain ahead of the game.
, tie a string to a small plastic rod, and attach a piece of metal to the other end of the string, and then you can play games like:
Once the cat has approached the scratching post a simple predatory - type game (involving a piece of string attached to a feather, for example) around the base will encourage the claws to make contact with the surfaces.
However, the music from the original Final Fantasy game (the string music heard normally at the end of the credits) is gone, replaced by another piece of unknown origin.
For a shorter game I found this bombardment of information to be a little overwhelming and spent most of the game trying to piece it together yet only formulating a weak string of possibilities to explain the history.
Over a snappy string of set - pieces, the game introduces new players to the core cast of Cayde - 6, Zavala and Ikora Rey, teaches them the basics of combat and of their special abilities, and drops plenty of fan service in the background for returning players.
It took a while in coming, but when it finally arrived Alan Wake showed us that games could be more than just a string of gun ravaged set pieces.
Using materials that felt familiar from use - scraps of fabric, wood, string, wire, pieces from children's games, printed labels and other discarded items - artist and Holocaust survivor Hannelore Baron (1926 - 1987) constructed intimately scaled works that offer glimpses into history, the human condition and the artist's past.
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