Sentences with phrase «string toys»

Never leave cats or dogs alone with string toys; accidental ingestion is life - threatening and often requires surgical intervention.
If Monte Lee was a pull string toy two of his lines would be «attack the baseball.»
Starting from about 2 months old, on fussy days I would lay the girls in their high chairs and use links to string some toys on their laps, although they were more interested in watching me cook or clean up.
String toys also can be extremely dangerous if ingested so they should not be left unattended.
The mouse - shaped spinning string toy provides great indoor exercise for your kitty — Olivia flips out when the tail swishes and then runs around the room trying to sneak up on the toy!
That being said, the natural mouse - catcher in them will still relish a simple string toy to chase around the room.
(Always store string toys where she can't reach them, as ingesting string can cause life - threatening injuries.)
«Drag a pole toy or string toy along the ground slowly, just out of your cat's reach.
Along with that little bit of metal, (which was the post off of an LED from my work bench) when the vet had opened him up he also removed: Two shoe lace pieces 3 - 4 inches long, several of the tails off of his little toy mice, and a few pieces of a fleece string toy that added up to about 6 inches in length.
Cats love string toys and with just the slightest movement the cats starts chasing and spazzing out all by themselves!
So, put any dangly string toys away after playtime with your kitty.
We also encourage people to bring in: empty cardboard boxes, used pizza boxes, chicken broth for pupsicles, Kongs, bubbles, laser pointers, string toys for cats, and mobiles.
She loves to stalk, run, pounce, plop and leap into the air with excitement all in an effort to catch her favorite string toy.
She is playful and LOVES to chase the laser light pointer and play with string toys.
I loved that we could pick it up by the handles easily and it also doubled as a play gym - we strung toys between the two handles.
They have other string - type toys that they play with and do not eat because they know that string toy is not food.
Most love to play with string toys and they'll bat their little cat ball toys around, but it's almost like they're humoring you.
Yarn or string toys (can wrap around the intestines or block them); toys with easily removed and swallowed parts
Fishing pole toys / string toys with toys at the end of a cord.
Also, never leave the cat alone on the ground with a string toy because they could swallow it and end up wreaking havoc on their digestive systems, Delgado says.
The string toys are her absolute favorites.
PAWS reports that lasers and string toys are King Kat's favorites.
The designs address both the functional and social needs of street cats — incorporating playful elements, such as built - in feeding bowls and string toys - while still appealing to the human eye.
For Architects for Animals, twelve firms donated brilliant designs that address the functional and social needs of street cats — incorporating playful elements, such as built - in feeding bowls, string toys, a «trophy» gallery of mice or a live fish bowl — while all the while still appealing to the human eye.
Patra likes playing with string toys and enjoying yummy treats from her friends.
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