Sentences with phrase «stringed guitar»

For the same mode, guitar manufacturer Fender is creating an actual stringed guitar.
While their parents sell their crafts, children often roam the streets playing Christmas carols with native instruments like pinquillos (traditional flutes), charangos (small, 5 - stringed guitars) and tarkas (square flutes).

Not exact matches

Craftsman Mike Potsaid, who makes antique guitar reproductions, will be on hand to describe how luthiers make these fine stringed instruments and will show examples of his work.
I'm a respectable musician when I play a guitar, mandolin or other stringed instrument.
His impressive act includes playing a guitar - like instrument (a tree - stringed shamisen) that magically brings some origami figures to life.
Antonio Banderas returns as the fastest guitar in Mexico, and I don't just mean the way he pounds out chords on his stringed instrument... Read More»
Worst offenders are Stallone's screenplay (which, aside from its tin ear and stunning stretches, unerringly goes on for one line too long in every exchange) and Stallone's decision to have his brother Frank not only provide a handful of remarkably bad songs for the picture but also appear in the movie in the most unintentionally hilarious moment, thrusting his guitar like a stringed phallus in an already unintentionally hilarious film.
The result of that quest is a world - class collection of guitars, mandolins, and other stringed instruments that number more than 120... and counting.
Guitars have two newly available models including a full six - stringed version while the drums have three new symbol attachments.
Quite a few of them are stringed instruments like guitars, bass guitars, shamisen and koto.
Less well - known is the fact that these works were inspired, in part, by Sandback's experiences building guitars and other stringed instruments as a youth in Bronxville, New York.
Repair and improve the appearance of stringed instruments such as violins, and acoustic guitars
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