Sentences with phrase «strong advocate for one's clients»

Ms. Renfro is a very strong advocate for her clients as well often times attending meetings outside of sessions to ensure the needs of her client are being addressed in all facets of their life.
The least you have to gain by talking to reporters is getting your firm's name in the news, promoting something positive about it, or positioning yourself as a strong advocate for your clients.
Sarah's analytical skills, legal knowledge, and attention to detail make her a strong advocate for her clients.
We know the law and are strong advocates for our clients.
He is a strong advocate for his clients.
We are trusted advisers and strong advocates for our clients.
Our lawyers are strong advocates for our clients, standing up to the insurance companies to make sure they receive maximum compensation for damages such as medical expenses, pain and suffering, and lost wages.
PHILOSOPHY Gary is committed to being a strong advocate for his clients.
From those matters, he has developed substantial knowledge of accounting principles and the audit process, something that makes him a strong advocate for his clients..
We are strong advocates for our clients, aggressively pursuing the reasonable compensation or remedy you seek through the litigation process.
you will leave as a stronger advocate for your clients
A practicing lawyer in Ontario since 1983, Alden has over his nearly three decades of practice earned the reputation of a highly skilled, determined litigation lawyer and strong advocate for his clients.
Donna uses over 20 years of experience to be a strong advocate for her clients, while helping couples resolve their conflicts without court intervention.
One of the first issues of concern for every potential Collaborative Law client is whether the attorney will serve as a strong advocate for that client.
Dr. Jackson is a strong advocate for her clients and strive to meet their mental health needs and guide them to post traumatic growth.
Couples today are searching for a divorce process that is not only resolution oriented, (while still allowing their respective attorneys to be strong advocates for their clients) but also allows them to keep more of their assets in their pocket.
One of the reasons we are strong advocates for our clients is that on each home, we personally represent only the seller or the buyer... never both!
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