Sentences with phrase «strong affect»

Classical genetic methods are biased towards alleles of strong affect — these are easy to identify during screens and easy to map.
I have this kind of diet since my allergy strong affected me and even I am not correctly diagnosed with histamine intolerance, all my allergies are down without any pills / money spend anymore.
Pet instincts and senses are very strong affecting how they view the world and likely affect their thought patterns.
The broader implications of this study suggest that carbon budgets of the deep ocean in the past and thus climate relationships may have been much stronger affected by these processes near the sea floor than previously thought.
The results reveal that methods for keeping judges on courts and teh structural features of state court systems strong affect judicial tenure.
There is a lack of what psychologists call «strong affect» in the understanding of global warming (at least there was before Katrina), ie strong visual and emotionally charged images of what global warming might be like.
Furthermore, we are typically blind to interactions between two genetic variants that can have a strong affect on phenotype.
I believe that luck — where you're born or which family you're born into — has a strong affect on educational opportunities, and I want to make sure schools do everything they can to address those inequities.
If former MPP Tim Hudak has his way, his Bill 12 proposal will have a strong affect on the way the firms in question, do business.
With China being a major location for bitcoin trading globally, this all is having a strong affect on prices, and today saw a five - week low of $ 2,951, having started the session at $ 3,226.
I know that environment has a strong affect on people, but hadn't realized how much mine had started affecting me until this morning when I woke up and began my day with my new beginning... Wow!
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