Sentences with phrase «strong case for that»

Over the next few months, countries will be announcing their official submissions and several films have already made strong cases for their selection.
We fight to build strong cases for our clients defending against criminal charges and we provide aggressive representation for our clients fighting to receive compensation for their injuries.
He makes a very strong case for why the entire passage should be removed from modern translations if we really want to be true to the text.
While you want to keep an employer's interest and stand out from the competition, you also want to make as strong a case for yourself as possible, right from the start.
There's a really strong case for authors to come out on strike and remind everyone in this business exactly where the value in it resides.
Our attorneys advocate for injured clients wherever they are, building on our over 50 years of legal experience to develop strong cases for compensation for those injured because of another's negligence.
Especially if you can keep the budget lean — ask for everything you need, but no more — I think you can make a very strong case for longer - term funding.
Meanwhile, independent releases are making just as strong a case for attention from the gaming public in 2017.
We are dedicated to using the firm's extensive resources to build strong cases for our clients so they can obtain the compensation they need and deserve to get their lives back on track.
Hiring managers scan quickly, so it is important to make a prompt and strong case for why you are the right person for the job.
Additionally, a driver that violates the traffic law by running a red light can be a very strong case for negligence per se.
«So many disciplines were represented at the conference and faculty members made strong cases for how sustainability is core to their curriculum,» David shared.
The warning has come as the Depeartment for Education (DfE) has re-iterated its «strong case for continued pay restraint», in which it argues that any pay deal should be affordable within school's existing budgets.
The club may have made a mess of its summer transfer business, and there is a very strong case for saying we could have done more in January, especially to ease the full back crisis, but no club could have suffered the extent of injuries that we have and still have achieved consistently good results.
I think there is a very strong case for additional spending in automotive — but not for the positive reasons that the Office describes.
However, he added: «Overall, the carbon footprint of air - freighting is greater to such a large degree than land transport that we think there is a pretty strong case for looking at a ban very seriously.»
However, there might be an even stronger case for ETFs long term, namely in the cost savings, which can really compound over time.
The Conservatives are planning immediate bans of up to a year to allow a full assessment to be carried out of the impact of the drugs, and they say there is a very strong case for other new drugs like Mephedrone to be banned permanently.
Earlier today, BitGo CEO Mike Belshe released an official statement in regards to the termination of SegWit2x due to a lack of consensus to pursue... Continue reading Strong Case For $ 8,000 Bitcoin Price in 2017, No SegWit2x and CME Futures
We build strong cases for financial compensation by investigating the accident to determine a variety of factors including:
Amy based on what you have described I have no doubt that you have a very strong case for suing this agent.
John «shifty» Schulte is making a really strong case for MVP as he added a total of 5 TDs to his resume and brought his season total all the way up to 8 which tied Sam Sternberg of Team Max for most in the League.
Lots of positive popular reviews: While critical reviews from famous authors or bloggers carry a lot of weight in and of themselves, a high volume of popular reviews from everyday readers can make an especially strong case for quality writing.
On the face of the generally established case law, it seemed that, as long as the Ktunaxa could prove their beliefs were sincere, they had a fairly strong case for demonstrating an infringement of religious freedom.
«However, I am intrigued that you seem not to realize that by mocking me in that same parliament you reinforced their already strong case for Brexit.
There is also clearly an overwhelmingly strong case for forms of direct action protest in the case of disenfranchisement (campaigns for the vote, for US civil rights, against apartheid South Africa; for independence from Empire, etc).
But it sure does drive a stake into the long - held North American ideal of infrastructure - based telecommunications competition, and indeed makes a very strong case for structural or operational separation of those companies» network units.
Based on the range numbers from Tesla, the Model X makes a VERY STRONG CASE FOR BATTERY SWAP STATIONS.
We do believe that the material outperformance of the dual - class basket does make a very strong case for holding these types of companies in a portfolio and in the least should give pause to investors that want to paint with a broad brush and ignore all companies with this share structure.
This game he clearly made a statement and made a real strong case for the starting rb job.
This will be as frustrating for him as it is for Liverpool fans, but while previous managers have paid the price for not delivering trophies in the short term, in the case of Klopp, there is a very strong case for patience.
«We think there is a very strong case for banning mephedrone and other so - called «legal highs».
Over time, he said, the limitation of that deduction will make it more expensive for wealthy families to live in New York, and could give affluent retirees a particularly strong case for leaving the state.
There are a number of different films that will populate the awards race this year for Best Picture, but The Danish Girl makes a pretty strong case for nabbing the «traditional Oscar fare» slot.
Laurence does not make a very strong case for regular filmmaking work.
Kam and Dana, you've made strong cases for Version B.
If it was something that was certified, you have a very strong case for restitution.
We're still waiting to see if the current push towards virtual reality will actually catch on or if it will be another misfire along the path to fulfilling our holodeck dreams, but as that goes on, augmented reality is making an unexpectedly strong case for itself.
Naturally, which service you prefer ultimately comes down to which games you enjoy more, but Microsoft is making a pretty strong case for Xbox Game Pass here.
Armed with concrete data on what drives engagement, HR pros can make stronger cases for smart engagement programs to their executive teams.
As a forward - thinking paralegal and writing professional with 17 + years experience driving optimal documentation accuracy for corporate and individual tax cases, I have consistently developed strong cases for courts and clients.
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