Sentences with phrase «strong counter argument»

The lawyers for the state and teacher unions mounted strong counter arguments, that the challenged statutes are not the problem.
Many readers here have presented strong counter arguments that demand to be explained.

Not exact matches

He makes the now familiar point that if negative real rates are sometimes desirable on counter cyclical grounds there is a strong argument for an inflation target high enough that the ZLB does not bind or binds only very infrequently.
Any arguments to counter this are not as strong as the principle of causality itself.
Stronger than every obstacle and counterargument is the instinct which tells us that, to be faithful to Life, we must know; we must know more and still more; we must tirelessly and unceasingly search for Something, we know not what, which will appear in the end to those who have penetrated to the very heart of reality.
The motives of both Benn and other supporting Labour MPs were so tricky to weigh when at the least, cautious counter arguments were so relatively strong.
Take for example a book on American politics, not because that kind of book is fun to read, but because such a book always has two characteristics: a strong point of view that practically begs for counter arguments, and debatable errors either in actual facts or in the interpretation of them.
I understand the constitution does not explicitly guarantee that all votes must be equal, nor does it ban geographic voter discrimination and that it does call for an electoral college so I see the counter argument would be strong, but I wonder if you guys think there is any case to be made for my argument.
You will need to meet your spouse's claim with strong arguments about the value, liquidity, and origins of your assets as well as countering their proposed needs and entitlements.
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