Sentences with phrase «strong educators»

They gain the capacity to guide their peers toward becoming stronger educators.
Creating a coaching culture can build strong educators and a school team that will best serve students.
And students benefit throughout, from stronger school leadership and teaching in the early years, and potentially stronger educator recruitment and retention.
If we want a school to turn around and succeed, we need to give it tools to attract strong educators.
Our network goal for beginning teachers is for them to become stronger educators who are engaged in the education policy process,» said Ford.
Strong educator preparation results in excellent teachers.
We support policies and practices to elevate and honor the profession through robust recruitment and selection, preparation grounded in evidence and practice, effective systems of professional growth, compensation adequate to attract and retain strong educators, and finally, career pathways that provide opportunity for leadership and broader impact.
All New York State students — especially those who are starting furthest behind — need to be taught to high academic standards by strong educators.
Continual instruction focusing on the best teaching techniques creates strong educators who enter a classroom enthusiastically and are prepared to teach under any set of circumstances.
«We heard loud and clear from teachers across Chicago that they want an evaluation system that provides them with timely, relevant and fair feedback, so that they can become even stronger educators,» said Acasia Wilson Feinberg, executive director of Educators 4 Excellence - Chicago.
«While we are grateful that Congress rejected proposals to eliminate this critical funding source for developing strong educators and school leaders, ensuring that districts across the country have the resources to build solid school leadership pipelines requires the full Title II amount authorized under ESSA,» said NYC Leadership Academy President & CEO Irma Zardoya.
That's why we invest in leadership development, coaching, and school turnaround programs that help our state's public school leaders become stronger educators, and help develop the future of Texas by giving all kids a fair shot at success in school and in life.
«Teacher evaluation should be a tool to identify our strongest educators as well as those who need additional support.
I know that I've become a stronger educator because of my involvement with this PD model.
The selection committee said in a statement that «Mandy is a strong educator who believes in a great public education for every student and has a unique perspective on meeting the needs of some of our nation's most vulnerable children.
With a multitude of factors impacting every minute of the day, strong educators must be willing to bend when necessary, with a smile.
Mandy is a strong educator who believes in a great public education for every student and has a unique perspective on meeting the needs of some of our nation's most vulnerable children.
A reduction in these funds will decrease the extent to which states and districts can build the capacity to implement the ambitious plans they are creating to implement ESSA, to close the opportunity and achievement gaps, and to support a strong educator workforce.
We know that in order to retain our strongest educators in this demanding profession, we need to provide opportunities for them to continually grow and develop and to be rewarded accordingly.
We renew our call for full and immediate transparency and for policies that ensure that historically under - served students have access to the strongest educators
This webinar was designed to inform LEAs (school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools) and partner organizations (institutions of higher education and nonprofits) about the latest research and promising practices in recruiting and retaining excellent educators, particularly in high - need fields and locations: What are evidence - based strategies for recruiting and retaining a strong educator workforce?
«One of our strongest educators [using blended learning] is an AP Calculus teacher, while some of the social studies teachers and some teachers for our youngest grades, whose curriculum I thought would have lent itself very well to tech - integration, required much more support,» Mrs. Vannatter says.
«Achieving educational equity demands that we address disparities in teaching quality because every child deserves a strong educator,» said Ian Rosenblum, Executive Director of Ed Trust.
Raise Your Hand Texas invests in leadership development, coaching, and school turnaround programs that help our state's public school leaders become stronger educators.
While many are strong educators, they often face financial and other barriers to advancing their career and becoming a licensed teacher.
«The result of this is instability for students and schools, who yearly face the loss of good, strong educators
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