Sentences with phrase «strong impetus»

"Strong impetus" refers to a powerful force or motivation that drives someone or something to take action or make progress. It indicates a strong push or drive to achieve something or move forward. Full definition
Essentially, the launch has to create a really strong impetus in order to get people to make a conscious effort in using your marketplace.
The Institute wouldn't necessarily be able to understand what's encoded in the transmission but it would provide strong impetus for other astronomical research groups to follow up with their own observations.
Of course, it's not clear how strong the impetus is for Facebook, Twitter, or others to get serious about self - policing.
Moreover, the contractor model itself provides a strong impetus for companies like Uber to grow.
Benedict was convinced that it is community life that forms us, and the contemporary Camaldolese still insist that the strongest impetus for change is to be found in the friction generated by living in close proximity.
As these new approaches evolve, there is a strong impetus for sustainability standards to determine how best they can expand the geographic scope and relevance of their systems beyond the production unit.
Australian wine exports to mainland China in 2017 soared 63 % to AU$ 848 million, accounting for 33 % of Australia's total export value last year, thanks to the strong impetus of the two countries» Free Trade Agreement that has continued to eliminate import tariffs on Australian wines.
The desire to learn directly from the scientists who made these discoveries and to participate in cutting - edge research in signal transduction provided me with a strong impetus to join these laboratories.
There is «no strong impetus» to do that bit of extra work, says Grayson.
«With Web 2.0, there's a strong impetus to make connections,» says University of Minnesota researcher Christine Greenhow, who studies how people learn and teach with social networking.
But my strongest impetus is having seen what often happens when gifted children do not have appropriate education.
The passage of the No Child Left Behind Act — with its emphasis on accountability for results, increased flexibility and options for schools and parents, and «doing what works» — creates new opportunities and a strong impetus to identify, select, and implement effective school improvement strategies.
Travel and tourism is one of the largest industries in the world providing a strong impetus to global economic development.
It is a rather pompous premise, but one that offers a strong impetus for the suite of mechanics the game presents, which include kingdom building and army tactics components, on top of a more traditional third - person action adventure storyline.
Suga: The strongest impetus was Ito - san's wish to put together his own musical event.
Now, as an adult, music continues to be a strong impetus, with the Rolling Stones her favorite group.
There is a strong impetus to keep the scam going.
For a while we have seen a strong impetus to teach students STEM skills, or skills that relate to science, technology, engineering and math.
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