Sentences with phrase «strong mama»

If we want to make the C - section more like a vaginal delivery, might we move toward the actual natural birth for the many strong mamas out there?
You are very strong mama and I mean that in all senses of the word.
Speaking of strong Mamas, back in January I started my very own Instagram community, #mumsthatgotthis.
We notice that patients who are working through the One Strong Mama program have less restrictions throughout their soft tissues and muscles.
-LSB-...] If we want to make the C - section more like a vaginal delivery, might we move toward the actual natural birth for the many strong mamas out -LSB-...]
He barely made it to the last two pregnancy appointments since he was out of town working, so being the «super strong mama I am» I knew I could do it on my own.
Rachel outlines specific difficulties then gives you the tools to overcome them, while staying a connected, respectful and strong mama bear.
You now can join the select club of TRULY strong mamas.
I founded the online studio BodyLove Pilates as a dedicated space for strong mamas to be able to access workouts that are tailored to their exact condition, Prenatal, Postnatal and Beyond — anytime, anywhere.
I am a hard working independent strong mama of 3, have been single for a long time now so finally trying to get out there in the world of «dating»
I'm so grateful for the One Strong Mama program, it helped make my 3rd pregnancy the most comfortable yet.
He was depending on a strong mama.
Whether you're a Samantha or a Carrie, we're pretty sure anyone can appreciate a strong mama with a sense of independence.
You're a strong mama and I'm thankful for how you've been sharing your knowledge!!!! I've not posted much cause... drum roll... [My child]'s potty trained!!!! He went from only going in his diaper to 24 hours later never wearing a diaper again!!!! We are officially diaper free at bedtime for both twins too!!!
I felt like a lab rat, not a strong mama readying to give birth.
If this was your birth, you are a strong mama.
You're a strong mama!
Be strong mama and stand your ground.
Keep up the excellent work... Your boys will be proud of their strong mama... their girlfriends will rightfully fear you!
Our patients who have dedicated time to One Strong Mama, do not tend to have many complaints or favor certain positions through their pregnancies.
Our patients love One Strong Mama.
You don't have to be in pain during pregnancy, be a strong mama and live well!
We highly recommend One Strong Mama to our expecting mamas!
I had such an amazing experience with One Strong Mama and would highly recommend to everyone.
Keep up the awesome work and continue to be the strong mama that you are!
Look at their strong mama!!
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