Sentences with phrase «strong opinions about»

In my nine years of experience living with a kid - friendly bathroom and tub, I've developed some very strong opinions about what's good and bad in bath toys.
Now that our two oldest boys are over five years old, they are definitely developing their own personalities and forming strong opinions about what they feel and believe.
And so, I still have strong opinions about which are the best maternity pants.
If you're not ready to break a sweat, here are my very strong opinions about nursing bras based on my 50 + months of experience!
It seems like everyone has a pretty strong opinion about what you should and shouldn't name your child.
Who knew so many people would have such strong opinions about what your boobs are being used for?
And both sides of the debate have developed strong opinions about the growing issue.
Well, I respect the logic behind that opinion, but I also respectfully disagree, and would like to add my own strong opinion about why cover letters still matter.
You might hear a lot of strong opinions about what health boosters are best for your pooch.
With all the time and money spent on fast food, most people have strong opinions about where they go and why.
And she has strong opinions about everything from what she wears to what she watches on TV.
Doctors, other experts, and parents all tend to have strong opinions about whether it's okay to use drugs to treat ADHD in children, especially before age 4.
I know a lot of people have strong opinions about open concept living and this is actually the first time I've lived in this type of house.
Apparently, beginning at around the age of two, children suddenly express very strong opinions about food.
My husband always had strong opinions about decorating and his choices were rarely in sync with the decorating ideas I envisioned for our home.
I know some have strong opinions about coconut and raisins in carrot cake, so again, this recipe is so versatile, just go with what you and your family love!
I have a fairly strong opinion about items that would be on my ultimate baby registry.
People often have strong opinions about when they think your baby should be sleeping through the night.
Most people have strong opinions about politics, religion, global warming, etc..
People tend to have very strong opinions about low carb diets and you can easily find as many articles supporting low carb diets as those opposing them.
If you've been following along here for a while, then something you probably already know about me is that I have very strong opinions about desserts being desserts.
Also, recent ex had very strong opinions about hats as well as blazers — didn't like either.
The key take - away from this survey is that parents have strong opinions about public education which are formed in the context of their deep love for their children.
There are many in the industry that have strong opinions about Flat Rate.
It is amazing how people have very strong opinions about ideas and terms they don't understand.
Many people have strong opinions about effects of being an only child but all children are different and what works for one may be a problem for another.
Apartment renters have strong opinions about walking versus driving to their regular destinations.
I realize many of you have strong opinions about health care reform, with some of you for it and some of you against it.
Many people have strong opinions about which one is the better choice, so you are likely to hear arguments for and against each policy type.
As a certified driving instructor, former long - haul truck driver (and trainer), and driving enthusiast, I have some pretty strong opinions about this subject.
I'm surprised that people have such strong opinions about the words people use to name this hobby.
Many people have strong opinions about what toddlers should wear during potty training.
A variety of strong opinions about my sermon soon landed in my inbox — before I gave the sermon.
And Benacquisto says ushering this legislation through the process requires a careful balancing act since there are so many stakeholders involved — each with strong opinions about how the bill should be written.
Vancouver Immigration Law Blog: Continuing the trend of great immigration law blogging in 2015, this blog by Vancouver lawyer Will Tao combines practical guidance with strong opinions about immigration law trends.
You sound like u could be part of the later group; but I don't form strong opinions about things and ppl I don't know.
Form stronger opinions about Ryan than universal healthcare.
«It is very sad that adults would hold strong opinions about something they know nothing about and make strong utterances based on assumptions.»
How much of this silence was due to the constraints of being the First Lady, and how much to her personal code of loyalty or manners — one topic she does express strong opinions about in her memoir, as Elaine Showalter points out — is unclear.
People have some very strong opinions about New Year's Eve — whether you love it or hate it, the fact remains: it's a pretty big deal.
Do you have strong opinions about issues related to heaven and hell?

Phrases with «strong opinions about»

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