Sentences with phrase «strong opinions about it»

My husband always had strong opinions about decorating and his choices were rarely in sync with the decorating ideas I envisioned for our home.
I know a lot of people have strong opinions about open concept living and this is actually the first time I've lived in this...
Men have personal preferences and strong opinions about bathroom decorating ideas, comfort and functionality, but most of them would agree that decorative and functional masculine bathroom accessories should have clean lines and solid feel.
I just realized, I have very strong opinions about televisions....
As you can no doubt tell, I have strong opinions about the motives (mine included) of people when it comes to how those without the benefit of industry specific knowledge are treated by those who do have same and who thereby generate sales commissions as the result.
In addition, teens tend to have strong opinions about the world around them.
However, practitioners at all levels had strong opinions about the impact of the specific policies on children of color.
Many people have strong opinions about effects of being an only child but all children are different and what works for one may be a problem for another.
You have very strong opinions about resume «rules» and you consider those rules unbreakable.
In an interactive session at the shareholders meeting of The Daily Journal on February 14, 2018, Charles Munger expressed some strong opinions about bitcoin.
And given Google's lead in the field, I expected Pichai to have strong opinions about the difference between artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning.
Unless you have very strong opinions about the sacrifices the Pixel 2 might entail, we don't see why any user would have a bad time no matter which of these phones they use.
You know, I've been talking about the need of a two tier architecture for modern storage infrastructures for a long time now (here a recent paper on the topic) and I also have strong opinions about object storage and its advantages.
There is no single perfect type of life insurance for every family, although some financial professionals have strong opinions about the costs and benefits of one type over another.
As a certified driving instructor, former long - haul truck driver (and trainer), and driving enthusiast, I have some pretty strong opinions about this subject.
Vancouver Immigration Law Blog: Continuing the trend of great immigration law blogging in 2015, this blog by Vancouver lawyer Will Tao combines practical guidance with strong opinions about immigration law trends.
But what I can say is that is that if we have reached the point that our justice system is so broken that we have to resort to the incarceration of family litigants, based on the subjective assessment of a single justice who has clearly formed strong opinions about the culpability of the parties, we have a very big problem that should be alarming all access to justice advocates.
We therefore have developed strong opinions about what should be done to make them more legible.
Besides, marketers don't just have one boss to answer to — they answer to a bevy of partners who often have strong opinions about what should or, more likely, shouldn't be done.
The subset of firm lawyers that has strong opinions about partnership decisions tends to be smaller than the subset of firm lawyers that has strong opinions about how the current year «pie» is going to be apportioned.
Having known and worked with Monica for many years, I can attest to her strong opinions about this.
However, «until the various parties expressing strong opinions about the merits of criminal justice risk assessments clarify what they mean by «fairness,» no progress can possibly be made,» Berk says.
Recent blawgosperic goings on have demonstrated that people have strong opinions about how much you need to be pulling in per annum to be considered «rich.»
Does she have strong opinions about the efficacy of the legal system?
Mike Cernovich has a hilarious pointer to a blogger who has strong opinions about Grokster.
Todd Zywicki responds to e-mails from readers who have strong opinions about his previous post on the riskiness of reform, in which he asks,
I've met truckers in bars that have strong opinions about the global warming hoax too.
Environmentalism is a Broad Church Whether you are interested in animal rights, waste reduction, green transportation or cutting energy use, the chances are that as an environmentalist you have strong opinions about what each of us should or should not be doing to build a better world.
Yes, we may even have strong opinions about the way science is conducted.
Statistics and models properly are tools, as is dendrochronology itself in some respects, and I do have strong opinions about their proper uses and strengths an limitations.
It is amazing how people have very strong opinions about ideas and terms they don't understand.
In climate science the referees are not necessarily familiar with the subject, have strong opinions about who may be allowed to win and on occasion promise to change the peer review process to ensure some people will not get published.
John London, famous novelist and journalist, had strong opinions about inspiration.
It seems improbable now that a work of contemporary art — particularly one that was, lest we forget, an impression of something which no longer existed — could inspire such a polarised and universally zealous reaction, but as Whiteread explains, «people are always going to have strong opinions about something that hasn't happened before» and, unlike now, art «was not constantly in your face».
But what I'm taking away from that is, there's a lot of hard core fans who want to see the game do well; who have strong opinions about franchise.
Jonathan Franzen has likely never played a Metal Gear game, but his inexperience with technology has never stopped him from expressing strong opinions about it.
We haven't had it long enough to have strong opinions about the construction / execution of the two small controllers and how they slide in etc., but they feel surprisingly natural to use a part.
Mass Effect is beloved, it's lauded, it's three video games people have strong opinions about.
While on the other hand, all that Sterling does is having strong opinions about stuff, a keen eye when it comes to criticizing the industry and a harsh sense of humour.
It is difficult to shed the shackles of a «conventional life», and a struggle to ignore the expectations of family and friends who have their own strong opinions about what their own (and your life) should look like.
I'm surprised that people have such strong opinions about the words people use to name this hobby.
Baxter had a «too cool for you» attitude, and Otis, well, doesn't have very strong opinions about many things so he was fine with whatever.
You see, the fact that I work in the pet industry as an influencer and a marketer means that I have a lot of inside «scoop» (pardon the pun) and access to experts who either make pet food or who have strong opinions about it.
You may have strong opinions about this already, and that's okay.
Fluffy certainly has some very strong opinions about things like... Read More»
You might hear a lot of strong opinions about what health boosters are best for your pooch.
As a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA), I have found that when new prospective clients come in they have strong opinions about annuities and a total lack of knowledge on how they work, and I'm not surprised at all.
Steve has strong opinions about debt settlement and is quick to illegitimize it as an option.
Maybe you have some strong opinions about the agency that told you the amount of taxes withheld from your wages was insufficient, and you now have to pay more.
Publishers tend to have strong opinions about Apple Newsstand and whether it can help their business.
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