Sentences with phrase «strong opinions on the topic»

Not only do some people have strong opinions on the topic, but some nations do as well.
To serve as a forum where others can express strong opinions on topics relevant to higher education.

Not exact matches

I know there is much debate on this topic - so if you have any strong opinions I'd love to know.
We don't think it's bad thing he's voiced his opinion on such strong topic.
The book also reflects the author's personal opinions on a variety of parenting topics, including his strong opposition to circumcision.
I don't speak much about the topic because opinions are so strong on every side of the argument.
Let's get one thing straight, this test is all about the engine, it's contentiousness has been a topic of pretty intense discussion with different people having different, and usually strong, opinions about the effect the new flat - four engine has had on the Boxster as a package.
Like the «holy trinity» of group roles and tab targeting versus action combat, the issue of button bloat in MMORPGs remains a hot topic in the community, with strong opinions on both sides.
Sensible Nobel laureates study new topics before offering strong opinions on them.
Though scientific consensus must always be open to responsible skepticism given: (a) the strength of the consensus on this topic, (b) the enormity of the harms predicted by the consensus view, (c) an approximately 30 year delay in taking action that has transpired since a serious climate change debate began in the United States in the early 1980s, (d) a delay that has made the problem worse while making it more difficult to achieve ghg emissions reductions necessary to prevent dangerous climate change because of the steepness of reductions now needed, no politician can ethically justify his or her refusal to support action on climate change based upon a personal opinion that is not supported by strong scientific evidence that has been reviewed by scientific organizations with a wide breadth of interdisciplinary scientific expertise.
The range of my opinion far exceeds the range of my knowledge and expertise but if I was having a conversation with someone whom I knew had strong views on a topic I wouldn't bring up my own uninformed opinion.
It capitalized on a relevant topic, offered a knowledgeable opinion and didn't explicitly sell the firm's services but brought strong visibility to its brand.
Would a Canadian judge review books on such critical topics in terms that express strong — and strongly reasoned — personal opinions?
You know, I've been talking about the need of a two tier architecture for modern storage infrastructures for a long time now (here a recent paper on the topic) and I also have strong opinions about object storage and its advantages.
And yet, the data on this topic is clear and my research - based opinions are strong, so I proceed with advice.
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