Sentences with phrase «strong protagonist»

Strong protagonists with a really good supporting cast are going to be pivotal here.
Better still, the women in this book are strong protagonists as much as victims.»
The resolve of Jay to try and destroy the creature ultimate makes her appear as much stronger protagonist, ensuring that we are at her side in the fight, rather than if she passed the curse like the less heroic Hugh.
After we finish, we'll do a video ranking the games from worst to best, but for now, I wanted to take a look at who I feel are the ten strongest protagonists from the franchise.
It's got a strong protagonist in Tris (Shailene Woodley), raised to be selfless but possessing vast reserves of courage and a fierce sense of justice.
Together, the pair have chemistry that make them a strong protagonist team, and many of their interactions with McConaughey are downright priceless.
In the action crime film, talented actress Ashley Bell, who first made a name for herself in the horror - thriller genre in «The Last Exorcism» series, once again proves her abilities in portraying a strong protagonist who's unrelenting in her fights against her horrific enemies.
Here's one with a strong protagonist, a clever plot gimmick, and a genuine sense of tension because of those first two elements.
I'm particularly drawn to stories with a strong protagonist.
THE SUMMER OF CHASING MERMAIDS has a lovely romance, a strong protagonist, feminist messages and exceptional character development.
This makes for a strong protagonist and a character that you enjoy following during the course of the game.
Regardless, The New Colossus somehow manages to be crude, crass, shocking, funny and poignant all at the same time, and the slow exploration of B.J.'s family history help to more fully flesh him out as a strong protagonist.
And that's what makes a strong protagonist, female or otherwise.
With that being said, fans of deep narratives, a strong protagonist, puzzles, and supernatural horror will find a lot to love about The Vanishing Of Ethan Carter.
Should Ubisoft look to continue the series, they have a strong protagonist with Marcus this time around and shouldn't feel the need to start from scratch once again.
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