Sentences with phrase «strong radiation»

Otherwise, the delicate equipment could have been damaged when the probe flew through the planet's strong radiation field.
The object X-1, indicated by the arrow, is surrounded by a nebula (colored in red), which is most likely the gas heated by strong radiation from the ULX.
IRAS 16547 - 4247 is an object emitting strong radiation with about 60 times solar luminosity and being surrounded by high - density molecular cloud with a mass of 1300 times solar mass in a distance of 9500 light years away from the Earth.
Laser which is used in our daily life is also strong radiation produced on the same principle applied to maser.
Alternatively, strong radiation streaming off the sun when it was young could have reacted with gas and dust nearby, triggering nuclear reactions that created chlorine - 36 and other isotopes.
Hydrogen emission from EGSY8p7 may indicate it is the first known example of an early generation of young galaxies emitting unusually strong radiation.
This finding runs counter to astronomers» expectations, which hold that stronger radiation from larger stars should strip away gas from their debris disks faster than the comparatively mild radiation from smaller stars.
When the first generation of stars were born, they emitted strong radiation that ionized hydrogen once again, triggering an era of «reionization» that eventually led us to where we are today — a universe filled with stars and planets made up of a plethora of heavy elements, and the omnipresent Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), which is the radiation left over from the era of recombination.
The massive star Sirius, for example, is just over twice as far away as Alpha Centauri — but because it shines some 25 times brighter than our sun, it offers a stronger radiation - pressure braking effect, allowing light sails to approach at much higher speeds.
In addition to this strong radiation, massive young stars also produce powerful stellar winds that eventually cause the gas around them to disperse and stream away.
One of the main reasons for limiting the operating lifetimes of nuclear reactors is that metals exposed to the strong radiation environment near the reactor core become porous and brittle, which can lead to cracking and failure.
Later, when the first generation of stars were born, they emitted strong radiation that ionized hydrogen once again, and led to the synthesis of other heavier elements such as carbon and oxygen.
When the first generation of stars were born, about 500 million years after the Big Bang, they emitted strong radiation that ionized hydrogen once again, triggering an era of «reionization» that eventually led us to where we are today — a universe filled with stars and planets made up of a plethora of heavy elements, and the omnipresent Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), which is the radiation left over from the era of recombination.
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