Sentences with phrase «strong tannins»

Strong tannins in both herbs can cause vomiting and diarrhea.
[Tannins have been shown to inhibit both the good bacteria and the bad bacteria, although one of the good bacteria, namely, Bacillus subtilis natto, can survive triphala, pomegranate, cranberry, and other strong tannins].

Not exact matches

Flush with tannins and high in acidity, Aglianico produces strong, rugged, savoury wines.
Strong flavored berries such as blackberries, loganberries, and strawberries produce tasty wines as the tannins in their seeds provide robust and full - bodied flavors.
The caffeine / tannin in strong tea, coffee, chocolate and cola drinks interferes with the absorption of iron; avoid having these one hour before and one hour after iron rich foods (this note is for adults and children — none of these things are recommended for babies).
Finally, strong chelating substances, such as phytic acid in grains, oxalic acid in green leafy vegetables and tannins in tea may bind with ionized minerals in the digestive tract and prevent them from being absorbed.
Amla contains a high concentration of minerals, amino acids and a high density of tannins and polyophenols and flavonoids, as well as strong immune boosting properties.
Pomegranate's strong antioxidant and antiseptic properties are due to the combined action of tannins, flavonoids, and alkaloids.
Often called «the tea of the gods,» this type of green tea doesn't contain tannins so it's not bitter like black or even strong green tea.
if painting over an old wood floor, you may want to consider doing a test spot painting and sealing the floor in an inconspicuous area to confirm that the «strong penetrating Lacquer» does not pull up wood tannins or yellow hues up through your paint — especially is using a «white» Chalk Paint ®.
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