Sentences with phrase «strong tendency»

The phrase "strong tendency" means that there is a strong inclination or likelihood for something to happen or be a certain way. Full definition
This isn't hard to understand when you realize that girls have a far stronger tendency toward creating and belonging in community.
The social system of elephant seals populations is shaped by two factor: land breeding during a short breeding season and strong tendency of females to aggregate when on land.
Such breeds of dog hold a very strong tendency towards protection of the things which are smaller than them.
ETFs that rise or drop over consecutive days in a row have shown a very strong tendency to revert in the short - term.
Much Chinese thought has, at least, strong tendencies toward process.
As for historical tendencies, there is a very strong tendency for Q1 GDP growth to be weaker compared to the previous year's Q4 GDP growth, which is in - line with consensus.
Overall, then, while dogs are capable of eating an omnivore diet, they show strong tendencies towards a carnivorous one.
We're seeing strong tendencies of breaking with, and challenging of, the deeply rooted design traditions in the Nordic region, which is very exciting,» says Editor - in - Chief Veronica Mike Solheim.
Since the differences between Sunnis and Shi`ites are political rather than doctrinal, and all of these sects were originally Muslim, it can be expected that as the fanaticism and racial antagonisms of the ages of degeneration disappear there will be even stronger tendencies toward reconciliation of their differences.
There is nowadays, among both Protestant and Catholic theologians, a fairly strong tendency towards «desacralization», which means in the last analysis reducing the Christian life to mere secular neighbourliness.
«Cardinal Ratzinger's 1986 letter to the Bishops of the Church, On the Pastoral Care of Hom os3 xual Persons, states that «although the particular inclination of the hom os3 xual person is not a sin, it is a more or less strong tendency ordered toward an intrinsic moral evil; and thus the inclination itself must be seen as an objective disorder.»»
Cucumber seeds grown on board the International Space Station show an unusually strong tendency to grow towards water.
How «catchy» these states of mind are depends on several factors including: how sensitive we are to subtle cues, how strong their tendency is, and how closely connected to the person we are.
You can see on the graph that San Francisco home prices have an extremely strong tendency to increase rapidly in the first part of the year and then they level off in May or June.
On the other hand, there are stronger tendencies toward efficiency in markets where time horizons are short; and where the investment determinations are governed by a very few variables which are simple, understandable and, perhaps, computer programmable.
Since electrons have a very strong tendency to exist in a paired rather than an unpaired state, free radicals indiscriminately pick up electrons from other atoms, which in turn converts those other atoms into secondary free radicals, thus setting up a chain reaction which can cause substantial biological damage.
A strong tendency to stay calm and maintain your emotional balance may be your biggest asset as a business owner, but ironically it is our greatest strengths that we often take too far, creating potential problems.
If you have a strong tendency to weigh all of your options, and can resist making impulsive decisions, it might be time to embrace your inner genius.
As Hampton says, there is a strong tendency to regard the past — inevitably a less technological time — with rose - coloured glasses when it comes to this sort of thing.
Firm distributors exhibit a strong tendency to allocate more resources to films produced by those with whom they have had prior interactions, «approving larger production budgets, marketing these films more heavily and scheduling them on more attractive release dates.»
The time around Thanksgiving has shown some strong tendencies over the years — both bullish and bearish.
Then add this fact: increases in short - term interest rates have a strong tendency to increase monetary velocity, accelerating the inflationary effects of the prior monetary ease.
What we have seen over the last several cycles is a sustained pattern of weaker economic growth (see Exhibit 2) and a strong tendency toward disinflation — meaning inflation that is persistently low or trending lower.
Millennials may be the future, but boomers have discretionary income now, spare time to spend shopping online and a stronger tendency to remain loyal once they find a brand they like.
For this reason there is a strong tendency for feminists to argue against any state - imposed restrictions.
We have a strong tendency to think that his success is not due to any real merit on his part.
There is also a strong tendency to equate what is legal with what is moral.
That is, there are strong tendencies to be uncritical of the status quo both within the school itself and in its immediate social setting; indeed, there are strong tendencies to preserve arrangements just as they are and to obscure ways in which they may be morally dubious.
There has been a strong tendency to believe that the God who is revealed in Jesus Christ is also God of all peoples, indeed of the whole of creation.
God has always had His remnant and even though His people have a strong tendency to stray from Biblical Christianity, His Spirit is constantly working.
Since Schleiermacher's day there has been a strong tendency to revise christology in the direction of a dynamic, functional model.
Trust in the immediacy between man and God is further destroyed through Paul's strong tendency to split off God's wrath and His mercy into two separate powers.
This... characterizes a strong tendency in all religions.
Buddhists and Christians may agree that there is a strong tendency in this direction.
While the authors report having «found little evidence that the strong tendencies toward religious freedom and religious pluralism led to any lack of religious vitality» in the campuses they visited, their account suggests otherwise: faculty and administrators are afraid to offend students by supporting religious «rules and regulations» or by teaching Christian doctrine.
Its strong tendency is to find the norms for Christians in the depths of the inherited dominant tradition.
As any group or individual becomes more enlightened, educated, sane, well — there is a strong tendency to leave the church and I do not equivocate when I say that this is a very, very good thing.
Religious practices showed a strong tendency to become stereotyped and unchangeable, and this had the effect of imprisoning man in an intricate network or pattern of behavior, inherited from the past, from which he could not escape.
Ancient man thus showed a strong tendency to develop an other - worldly look, and to depreciate the importance and significance of the tangible world in which he lived.
There is a strong tendency to take the present form as normal and normative.
Other surveys have documented high levels of interest and involvement in prayer, a high degree of belief in the efficacy of prayer, and a strong tendency to regard prayer as actual communication with God.
(As a lover of language, this was a strong tendency.)
In Semitic tradition, there is a strong tendency to reduce human history to an aesthetic number structure.
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