Sentences with phrase «stronger contraction»

Elevated thyroid hormones stimulate an increased heart rate and a stronger contraction of the heart muscle, and can cause thickening of the left ventricle of the heart over time.
Thyroid hormones stimulate a faster heart rate and a stronger contraction of the heart muscle.
The more sudden the change in muscle length, the stronger the contraction is.
It's proven that muscles generate a stronger contraction when they're preceded by contractions of an opposing muscles group.
Achieving a full stretch is critical to muscle growth because a fully stretched muscle is capable of a stronger contraction.
My husband was still up and he didn't get any sleep that night and I woke up you know, with a little bit stronger contraction so this was it, I could tell, this was really it.
Rupturing your membranes also puts you on a clock, has a greater chance of cord prolapse meaning emergency, increases your risk of infection and takes away your baby's buffer to the strong contractions caused by Pitocin, your epidural can slow labor, making you unable to move and / or push effectively, doesn't allow for proper fetal descent, you will most likely have a catheter placed to your bladder, increasing risk of bladder infections, and if all else fails, at 5PM, you will have a C / S at 5PM before your baby gets too tired or sick to continue laboring (because the doctor is tired of waiting).
It can cause very strong contractions and put the baby under stress, which means you are constantly monitored.
The uterus contracts in response to a hormone like substance released — the higher this level, the stronger the contractions.
I pushed through approximately seven strong contractions.
The intrauterine pressure catheter does tell how strong the contractions are and also gives a reading of resting tone between contractions.
With strong contractions it is very difficult indeed, even with a Doppler sometimes and certainly with a Pinard fetoscope, to hear the FHR.
The external, or tocodynamometer, picks up the tension of your uterus underneath your skin, that tells you only when there is a contraction, not how strong the contraction is, but the majority of the time is sufficient.
On rare occasions, if the baby is small, and the mother has a «roomy» pelvis with strong contractions, it is possible for the baby to be born vaginally.»
Never mind the strong contractions that suddenly stopped 3 days prior to the c - section or the difficulty finding the heartbeat.
On Monday morning, January 3rd around 2:30 or 3 am, I woke up with a very strong contraction.
In labor, the release can be used to stimulate longer or stronger contractions.
While every woman's labor is different, if you're having strong contractions that occur three to four minutes apart, your water has broken and you have a strong urge to push, you're experiencing signs that delivery is imminent.
(Some women are surprised to find that labor doesn't end after the baby comes out, so be prepared for some more strong contractions.
This release can be used to stimulate longer and stronger contractions while in labor.
On the day it came time to deliver her baby at 43 + 6, she was more than ready, after passing blood, pieces of her mucus plug, and having some strong contractions, she was almost reluctant to believe that the powerful contractions that she'd began to experience were the real deal.
Don't panic yet, watch for regular, strong contractions first.
Usually, babies turn after many strong contractions.
Of course, when a doctor is the one attending your birth, they sometimes like to think that you need to be assisted through your birth with their help, not the other way around, and thus they will deliver your baby to you once they've saved you from your strong contractions and prevented you from labouring too hard with all of their tools.
This could be from by too strong contractions caused by unnecessary inductions, or too early inductions, or less than good outcomes due to c sections — problems breathing etc, or due to breastfeeding problems because it takes a while for the painkillers to wear off in the baby, so they don't manage to latch as well.
and with my daughter no complications at all... except that my husband was so panicked he ok'd an epidural for me when I was in the middle of a strong contraction and couldn't contradict - still laughing over that one.)
Syntocinon (aka pitocin) produces strong contractions often without the gentle build up and endorphin release of natural contractions.
To stimulate stronger contractions, another option might be intravenous medication — typically a synthetic version of the hormone oxytocin (Pitocin).
Though it happens in only a small number of births, the strong contractions that accompany a fast labor can be overwhelming to a mother who did not expect to progress through labor so quickly.
When compared to women who undergo epidurals, you will need minimal interruption to aid in stronger contractions, and there will be no use of vacuum extraction or forceps delivery unless the situation forces a hand.
In the «Comments» column, record any other significant events; how strong the contractions seem now compared with earlier; the mother's appetite and what she has eaten; if she is using patterned breathing (see page 85); if she has back pain or blood - tinged discharge if fluid is leaking or gushing; how she is coping.
Around 31 weeks, I started having strong contractions now and then that worried me.
It will be important that you are well rested so you can handle the strong contractions of active labor.
My doula came to our house and provided support while I had strong contractions that I felt in my back.
My first «run» took place 3 hours after taking the oil, with fairly strong contractions starting almost at the same time.
«Afterward, my triceps are already fully pumped, and I've spent a lot of reps targeting strong contractions to really focus on my tri's.»
By around 8:30 a.m., I was feeling some strong contractions and the monitor was showing them getting closer together.
It's needs to be ultra-strict and creating a strong contraction that feels like the biceps are cramping.
It stimulates your central nervous system, increasing the signals sent to muscles which allows for stronger contractions.
What these electrodes are doing is they're stimulating the muscles that causing to contract and it'll feel kind of like pain but when you look at it, it's not pain, it's just incredibly strong contraction of the muscle.
You should feel a strong contraction of the glutes and minimal to no contraction of the spinal erectors.
Using a machine in this fashion is ideal for working the back with a very controlled movement that focuses on muscle tension and strong contraction.
When I did them I did full range of motion and strong contractions at the top.
Fiber Opt - X Learn the methods for creating stronger contractions in your arms.
Breathe into the space in the back, and keep a strong contraction through the abdominal muscles.
I continued drinking the strong tea after birth and I think it helped my uterus contract back to where it was — I had a lot of relatively strong contractions for a week or so after birth and my tummy got back down so I didn't look pregnant anymore very quickly.
The uneven load on the body forces an extremely strong contraction in the core to help counterbalance the load.
Likewise, when the Pitocin is turned up for stronger contractions, the mom is not supported by her body's natural pain relievers.
Cramps are caused by strong contractions of the uterus and magnesium helps to relax the powerful uterine muscles.
This line of research also suggests chiropractic care may possibly reduce muscle fatigue developing during strong contractions
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